Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Meditation, attention and well-being of college students

Ask any college student today and they would probably say that being in college is one of the most difficult and consuming endeavor that they have had in their lifetime. College life is not only about going to classes, meeting deadlines, writing papers and completing courses. College life is also about developing analytical and critical minds, learning life-skills, building knowledge and applying it to real-life situations.College students need all the help they could get to make their academic lives a little lighter or more manageable. Many self-help books have advocated changing one’s attitude, thinking positively, time-management, building relationships and other methods that one gets a feeling that they do not really provide solutions but just state the obvious. One that has received less attention is in the area of meditation.Literature has found that meditation has positive effects in reducing stress as a relaxation technique. However, meditation has been associated with new age thinking and referred to as spooky stuff that the present generation of college students may not be aware of. Meditation have existed since man first begun creative thinking, it is often referred in religious and spiritual practices. In the early years of psychological investigation, meditation became a popular subject in terms of the experiences that people have when they meditated as well as how it can be an effective relaxation technique.Meditation is being able to become more attuned with one’s inner self and this takes a great deal of directed attention. Attention refers to the ability of the mind or consciousness to attend to a specific area, event, information or thing. Studies on attention have highlighted the detrimental effects of not being able to hold one’s attention, and of how fleeting and short a person’s attention span can be especially in a very complex and stimulus overloaded  environment we have. Directing attention to a single obje ct or thought can be relaxing since it allows the person to be present in the here and now, it was also espoused that training oneself to become more attentive can develop cognitive functioning and thus help in academic performance.College students can benefit in learning and being able to use meditation techniques to cope with the many stresses and anxiety of college life and developing attention skills to further enhance academic performance. It is therefore hypothesized that college students who practice meditation will have a longer attention span and will have higher grades and a more positive mental health and hence increased feelings of well-being.This study will determine if college students who practice meditation techniques on a regular basis have higher attention skills as measured by a behavioral experiment and whether they have more positive feelings of well-being as determined by a well-being inventory.A discussion of meditation and its application into the enhancement of attention, creativity and consciousness is presented to demonstrate the far reaching effects of meditation as a means of aiding college student’s performance in school and their mental health.MeditationMeditation has been defined as process wherein the person achieves an altered sate of consciousness by performing certain rituals and exercises. These exercises include controlling and regulating breathing, sharply restricting one’s field of attention, eliminating external stimuli,  assuming yogic body positions and forming mental images of an event or symbol. The result is a pleasant, mildly altered subjective state in which the individual feels mentally and physically relaxed.Some individuals after extensive meditation practice may have mystical experiences in which they lose self-awareness and gain a sense of being involved in a wider consciousness, however defined. That such meditative techniques may cause a change in consciousness goes back to the ancient time s and is represented in every major world religion. Buddhists, Hindus, Sufis, Jews and Christians all have literature describing rituals that induce meditative states (Arambula, Kawakami, Gibney, 2001).Traditional forms of meditation follow the practices of yoga, a system of thought based on the Hindu religion, or Zen which is derived from Chinese and Japanese Buddhism. The two common techniques of meditation are an opening up meditation and concentrative meditation.  Ã‚   In opening-up meditation the subject clears his/her mind for receiving new experiences while in concentrative meditation the benefits are obtained through actively attending to some object, word, or idea.Experimental studies of meditation provide only limited insight into the alterations of consciousness that a person can achieve when meditative practice and training extend over many years. In his study of the Matramudra, a centuries old Tibetan Buddhist text, Brown (1977) has described the complex training requ ired to master the technique. He has shown that cognitive changes can be expected at different meditative levels. A somewhat commercialized and popular form of meditation has been promoted as transcendental meditation or TM ( Hanley & Spates, 1978) ).The technique is easily learned from a qualified teacher who gives the novice mediator a mantra and instructions on how to repeat it over and over to produce the deep rest and awareness  characteristic of TM. In TM a person develops a reduced state of physiological arousal; feelings such as peace of mind, a feeling of being at peace with the world and a sense of well-being are reported after engaging in TM. In a now classic study on the effect of TM to college students by Hanley & Spates (1978), it was reported that those who were practicing meditation had more positive personalities.In this study, meditation in the form of transcendental meditation (TM) will be used as the meditative process which will be given to college students wh o will participate in this study. The TM is much easier to learn and practice than the traditional forms of mediation and since it produces feelings of peace and well-being that it suits the purpose of this study. Meditation is categorized under altered states of consciousness and since consciousness is the most basic cognitive function that is closely related to attention, the second part of this study is to determine if meditation enhances attention span and accuracy and in effect would lead to greater academic performance.Meditation and AttentionMeditation and attention is unquestionably linked together, meditation is the process by which attention is narrowed and focused on one object or event, and without engaging one’s attention fully to the immediate task, and then nothing will come out of it. Attention must be acutely directed towards the mantra, the breathing of the individual and the experiences one will have during the meditative state. Meditation in effect enhance s the ability of the person to direct attention and when attention is more keen and developed, a person can have better concentration  and can better attend to the critical thinking skills needed in college education (Shear & Jevning, 1999).Attention has been the earliest subject of the study of psychology, cognitive science have provided evidence that attention is physiological, that it is limited but can be expanded to become more acute and enable the person to become more aware of his/her environment, more appreciative of nature and life and it causes a general feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction.Several studies have tried to find evidence that meditation and attention has a relationship. In a study of the effects of opening-up and concentrative mediation to attention in terms of ignoring distractions and focusing attention (Chan, 2003) found that meditation was positively correlated with the ability to direct attention but it was shown that meditation minutes per day was p ositively correlated with decreased distractions and mistakes, the form of mediation used or how may years a person has been meditating did not have any significant relationship with the owner. In a similar study, concentrative and mindfulness motivation was measured in terms of how effective it contributed to the task of sustained attention.The study compared the sustained attention of students who had meditation training to those who did not (Valentine & Sweet, 1999). The study found that those who had meditation techniques scored better in the sustained attention task wherein those who practiced mindfulness meditation had better scores than the concentrative mediators. The practical applications of an enhanced attention that is not affected by distractions and sustained attention can be directed towards improved academic performance of students.Meditation, Attention and Well-being 7Meditation and CreativityA new concept put forward by Sarath (2006) advocated the use of meditation techniques to mainstream classroom instruction as it enriches the learning process and enhances the creative process and consciousness of students. Creativity is highly related to the issue of meditation because the experience associated with meditation is similar to the second person approach wherein the student actually creates and produces an output that would enable him/her to have a deeper understanding of the concepts raised in class (Sarath, 2006).The author had argued that education and learning should be focused on providing actual experience of the lesson, not just learning something in books and not being able to work with it. Creative expression of one’s talent and interests should be the main thrust of the school. At the same time, a more sustained attention and inability to be distracted by external stimuli are necessary steps in the practice of creative thinking.ConclusionMeditation is not just for the spiritual and magical but it is also a positive process to develop attention and induce students to relax and communicate with their bodies and their surroundings. College students have to deal with pressures and expectations that they sometimes feel cranky, anxious and fed up. Meditation as evidenced by the studies conducted showed that it could positively affect attitudes, attention span and resistance to distractions. Meditation also has been found to be a medium that could enhance the learning process and encourage creativity. As such, this study has found evidence to support the hypothesis mentioned in the first part.Meditation, Attention and Well-being 8ReferencesArambula, P., Kawakami, M., & Gibney, K.   (2001). The physiological correlates of KundaliniYoga meditation: A study of a yoga master. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 26; 2, pp. 47-53.Brown, D.P. (1977). A model for the levels of concentrative meditation. InternationalJournal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 25; 4: 236-273.Chan, D.P. (2003). Effects of medi tation to attention, Unpublished dissertation. University ofCalifornia.Hanley, C. & Spates, J. (1978). Transcendental meditation and social psychological   attitudes.The Journal of Psychology, 99, p121-1127.Sarath, Ed. (2006). Meditation, Creativity and Consciousness: Charting Future Terrain withHigher Education. Teachers College Record, 108; 9, pp 1816-1841.Valentine, E. & Sweet, P. (1989). Meditation and Attention: A comparison of the effects ofconcentrative and mindfulness meditation on sustained attention. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 2; 1, pp 59 to 70.Shear, J. & Jevning, R. (1999). Pure consciousness: Scientific exploration of meditationtechniques. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6; 2, p. 3)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

In the wake of current economic decline, organizations clearly understand the need for good customer relations. Consumers are paying strict attention to the quality, cost and availability of the products they desire. Moreover, consumers are watching the business practices of the organizations that provide them with goods and services. Organizations understand that in order to be profitable they need to create and maintain a wholesome customer base and in order to do this the customer has to be satisfied. When measuring the quality of an organization’s goods and services, customer satisfaction predicts whether they retain their current customer base. At the very least organizations want to maintain current customers because adding new ones can be costly. Organizations need to know what expectations their customers have of their services and products, the effectiveness of their marketing strategies, the strength of their company's image, as well as the key elements that most heavily influence customer retention for their business (Importance of Customer Feedback, 2011). This paper will explore what best practices such as customer feedback and evaluations, customer satisfaction, market analysis, service analysis and marketing strategic planning organizations are using to measure customer satisfaction in order to keep their loyal customers while adding new ones. Customer Feedback and Evaluations Organizations are listening to and acting on what their customers are saying by using customer feedback and evaluations tools to improve their company’s success. They using this to stay in sync with their customers’ wants and demands of the goods and services they provide. Companies understand by tailoring their goods and services to meet the customers desires will lead to higher business success (Bosma Research International, 2011). Customer Satisfaction Companies are realizing that for them to maintain a high level of success customer satisfaction is the key. They understand to achieve this, they have to know who their customers are, what’s important to them, how satisfied they are with their goods and services, what keeps them coming back or why are they leaving, what are their needs and expectations of the goods and services provided and are those needs and expectations being met (Bosma Research International, 2011). Market Analysis Market analysis is another important tool that organizations are using to measure customer satisfaction. During this analysis, companies are looking at who are their competitors, how do customers compare them to their competitors, what can they do to increase their competitive edge and how do they compare to industry standards and benchmarks (Bosma Research International, 2011). Service Analysis Organizations rely heavily on their internal analysis and they understand the importance of this tool. In this analysis, companies are looking at what goods and services they provide are most important to their customers, what elements drive customer satisfaction and what is it about the goods and services they provide affects customer retention the most (Bosma Research International, 2011). Marketing and Strategic Planning Finally, businesses are using marketing and strategic planning techniques to measure customer satisfaction. Organizations are looking at the changes needed to their goods and services, how to prioritize the changes and how to implement the changes (Bosma Research International, 2011). Companies understand that this tool is probably one of the most important; however, all the aforementioned customer satisfaction measurements are closely interlinked. Types of Industries Compiled below are a list of industries I think would benefit from the customer satisfaction tools discussed in this paper: Chemical; Consumer Products; Electronics; Consulting; Retail; Publishing; Media; Health Care; Professional Services; Telecommunications; Financial Services; Banking; Computer Software; and Utilities. Each of these industries has a customer ase that they provide goods and services to; moreover, they each have a large number of competitors that their customers can choose. Linkage to My Organization’s Practices This is a challenge linking these customer satisfaction tools to my former organization (US Army) because the Army does not sell products or services. However, I will go out on a limb to say that the US Army sells itself to the American people to gain recruits, trust and support. The US Army uses internal feedback and evaluations to improve training, food, housing, medical services, weapon systems and other equipment to retain current force levels. They understand that if Soldiers are not satisfied they will leave the service in rapid numbers. The US Army does have competitors (i. e. US Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and Civilian Industries) and they look at what their competitors are offering that is equivalent. The US Army spends millions of dollars on marketing and strategic planning to attract new recruits as well keeping their current personnel. Recommendations for My Organizational Improvements I would recommend improving the quality of pay and benefits, recreational services, medical services, and assignment rotations. Summary  In conclusion, customer satisfaction is an important factor for the bottom line. Statistics show that the typical company gets 65 percent of its business from existing customers and it costs five times more to find a new customer than to keep an existing one happy. One study found that businesses with 98 percent customer retention rate are twice as profitable as those at 94 percent (Evans & Lindsay, 2009, p. 193). This research shows the importance of creating and implementing best practice tools to measure customer satisfaction, in doing so businesses will not only retain their current loyal customers but also in return add new ones.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Part One Sunday

6.11 A casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred: (a) when a local councillor fails to make his declaration of acceptance of office within the proper time; or (b) when his notice of resignation is received; or (c) on the day of his death †¦ Charles Arnold-Baker Local Council Administration, Seventh Edition Barry Fairbrother did not want to go out to dinner. He had endured a thumping headache for most of the weekend and was struggling to make a deadline for the local newspaper. However, his wife had been a little stiff and uncommunicative over lunch, and Barry deduced that his anniversary card had not mitigated the crime of shutting himself away in the study all morning. It did not help that he had been writing about Krystal, whom Mary disliked, although she pretended otherwise. ‘Mary, I want to take you out to dinner,' he had lied, to break the frost. ‘Nineteen years, kids! Nineteen years, and your mother's never looked lovelier.' Mary had softened and smiled, so Barry had telephoned the golf club, because it was nearby and they were sure of getting a table. He tried to give his wife pleasure in little ways, because he had come to realize, after nearly two decades together, how often he disappointed her in the big things. It was never intentional. They simply had very different notions of what ought to take up most space in life. Barry and Mary's four children were past the age of needing a babysitter. They were watching television when he said goodbye to them for the last time, and only Declan, the youngest, turned to look at him, and raised his hand in farewell. Barry's headache continued to thump behind his ear as he reversed out of the drive and set off through the pretty little town of Pagford, where they had lived as long as they had been married. They drove down Church Row, the steeply sloping street where the most expensive houses stood in all their Victorian extravagance and solidity, around the corner by the mock-Gothic church, where he had once watched his twin girls perform Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and across the Square, where they had a clear view of the dark skeleton of the ruined abbey that dominated the town's skyline, set high on a hill, melding with the violet sky. All Barry could think of as he twiddled the steering wheel, navigating the familiar turns, were the mistakes he was sure he had made, rushing to finish the article he had just emailed to the Yarvil and District Gazette. Garrulous and engaging in person, he found it difficult to carry his personality onto paper. The golf club lay a mere four minutes away from the Square, a little beyond the point where the town petered out in a final wheeze of old cottages. Barry parked the people-carrier outside the club restaurant, the Birdie, and stood for a moment beside the car, while Mary reapplied her lipstick. The cool evening air was pleasant on his face. As he watched the contours of the golf course disintegrating into the dusk, Barry wondered why he kept up his membership. He was a bad golfer: his swing was erratic and his handicap was high. He had so many other calls on his time. His head throbbed worse than ever. Mary switched off the mirror light and closed the passenger side door. Barry pressed the auto-lock on the key-ring in his hand; his wife's high heels clacked on the tarmac, the car's locking system beeped, and Barry wondered whether his nausea might abate once he had eaten. Then pain such as he had never experienced sliced through his brain like a demolition ball. He barely noticed the smarting of his knees as they smacked onto the cold tarmac; his skull was awash with fire and blood; the agony was excruciating beyond endurance, except that endure it he must, for oblivion was still a minute away. Mary screamed – and kept screaming. Several men came running from the bar. One of them sprinted back inside the building to see whether either of the club's retired doctors was present. A married couple, acquaintances of Barry and Mary's, heard the commotion from the restaurant, abandoned their starters and hurried outside to see what they could do. The husband called 999 on his mobile. The ambulance had to come from the neighbouring city of Yarvil, and it took twenty-five minutes to reach them. By the time the pulsing blue light slid over the scene, Barry was lying motionless and unresponsive on the ground in a pool of his own vomit; Mary was crouching beside him, the knees of her tights ripped, clutching his hand, sobbing and whispering his name.

Spartans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Spartans - Essay Example In his career he has published over 65 articles, with 12 forthcoming articles and chapters such as 'Sparta' in The Classical Tradition (Harvard University Press). In 2004, Professor Cartledge was appointed an Honorary Citizen of Sparta. The Spartans is a convincing narrative that explores the culture and civilization of the most famous "warrior people": the Spartans of ancient Greece, by the world's leading specialist in the field. Sparta has often been described as the original Utopia--a remarkably evolved society whose warrior heroes were forbidden any other trade, profession, or business. As a people, the Spartans were the living exemplars of such core values as duty, discipline, the nobility of arms in a cause worth dying for, sacrificing the individual for the greater good of the community (illustrated by their role in the battle of Thermopylae), and the triumph of will over seemingly insuperable obstacles--qualities that today are frequently believed to signify the ultimate heroism. Paul Cartledge is the distinguished scholar and historian who have long been seen as the leading international authority on ancient Sparta. He traces the evolution of Spartan society--the culture and the people, as well as the tre mendous influence they had on their world and even ours. He details throughout the narrative the lives of such illustrious and myth-making figures as Lycurgus, King Leonidas, Helen of Troy (and Sparta), and Lysander, and explains how the Spartans, although they placed a high value on masculine ideals, nevertheless allowed women an unusually dominant and powerful role--unlike Athenian culture with which the Spartans are so often compared. In resurrecting the ancient culture and society of the Spartans, Cartledge delves deep into ancient texts and archeological sources and complements his text with illustrations that depict original Spartan artifacts and drawings, as well as examples of representational paintings from the Renaissance onwards. The Spartans built a warrior culture in ancient Greece unsurpassed for its courage and military prowess. Eminent historian Cartledge (Spartan Reflections) provides a remarkable chronicle of Sparta's rise and fall, from its likely origins around 1100 B.C. to the height of its fame and glory in the battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. and its fall in the fourth century B.C. The Spartans built their society through conquest and subjugation, ruling over their subject peoples with an iron hand and putting down revolts with devastating might. Between 490 and 479, Sparta joined Athens in fighting the Persians in three key wars-Thermopylae, Plataea and Mycale-that contributed to the demise of Persian power and the rise of Hellenistic power on the Mediterranean. Cartledge punctuates his absorbing tale with brief, engaging biographies of the city-state's kings from Lycurgus, the earliest Spartan leader, who brought constitutional law to the city, to Leonidas, who led the Spartans at Thermopylae. According to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Developmental theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developmental theories - Research Paper Example reated as simply miniature adults for a long time, and it was only in the early 20th century – in other words, fairly recently – that child development in particular was explored by theorists. Among the most popular of these theorists are Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, and Jean Piaget, whose theories will be the focus of this research paper. Their theories shall be discussed in detail – focuses, strengths, weaknesses – and will also be compared and contrasted. Sigmund Freud’s research focuses mainly on sexual desires and libido, dating back to the late 19th-early 20th centuries when he first developed the concept of psychoanalysis. The key point of his tenets is that humans are driven by their instincts and innate sexual urges (libido), which would determine their behavior regardless of repression. Specifically, even if one represses his libido, it will instead manifest in other ways – for instance, one may sate his sexual desires by pushing himself in his work. Humans, he says, are polymorphously perverse, capable of deriving sexual pleasure – or in cruder terms, getting off – from practically anything and everything (Psychosexual Development, 2010). Specifically, children are said to undergo five psychosexual stages, each with its own erogenous zone (henceforth referred to as e-zone) which the id focuses on; any trauma suffered during one of the first three stages – the oral, anal, and phallic stages – may result in fixation of that particular stage’s e-zone (Feist and Feist, 2007), which Freud connects with adult personalities and personality disorders. Locke (2009) cites Edward Cullen, a character from the popular vampire romance series Twilight, as an example of repression and fixation. He is said to have been sired at the age of seventeen – the genital phase of development – and is neither come to terms with his (biological) parents’ death nor been able to fully mature into an adult. Thus, while he is chronologically a hundred

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cold Laser Therapy claims is to be critically evaluated Essay

Cold Laser Therapy claims is to be critically evaluated - Essay Example To approve any other claim or even similar claim for a particular device, the FDA requires adequate clinical data. Hawaii-based Quantum-Healing, which sells many cold laser products online, claims that low-level laser therapy is effective for pain relief, anti-aging, weight-loss, smoking cessation, skin care, and treatment of broken bones and bullet wounds ( This paper aims to evaluate some of the claims made by the organization. says that smoking cessation studies in Canada and Europe have a purported success rate of 85%. According to the site, a high-wavelength, low-energy light, when applied to specific points in the body, blocks nicotine-receptors and simulates the release of endorphins. Nicotine is the addictive-factor in cigarette smoking. Nicotine gives smokers a "high" by releasing mood-enhancing chemicals called endorphins. The release of endorphins during laser therapy allegedly prevents any withdrawal symptoms that may occur because of smoking cessation. By curtailing the withdrawal symptoms, a long-time smoker is not tempted to smoke again. The site claims that the procedure is painless, easy, and takes only half-an-hour. The American Cancer Society (ACS) alleges that the currently available scientific evidence does not support claims of cold laser therapy as a smoking cessation aid. Another allegation made by ACS is that some television stations reported the cold laser therapy providers advertisements promising smoking cessation with laser treatment as news, making the therapy popular (ACS::Cold Laser Therapy, 2007). Public watchdog group Public Citizen also alleged that cold laser therapy providers are defrauding thousands of smokers with promise of cessation for hefty sums of up to $349 per session. According to the group reviews of medical literature shows few well-run trials that study the effectiveness of cold laser therapy for

Friday, July 26, 2019

MGM626-0902A-03 Economics for Decision-Making - Phase 2 Individual Essay

MGM626-0902A-03 Economics for Decision-Making - Phase 2 Individual Project - Essay Example The products are also identical and there is complete freedom of entry to the market. Moreover the information about the products and prices from various firms are also available to the customers at no cost. Hence, in a perfect competition, the price is purely set by the market and the firms adhere to the price (Salvatore, 2006). In the case of CPI, if it decides to raise the prices of the toothpaste unilaterally, the demand for the firm’s toothpaste will be completely reduced and the firm will lose its market share. Customers will prefer to buy the products which are priced at the market rate. This will eventually lead to the shutdown of the product totally. In this case, the market price of the toothpaste is increased to $ 54 per case. As discussed earlier, it is evident that the profit is maximized when the marginal cost (MC) equals the marginal revenue (MR). The marginal cost function remains unchanged as MC = 0.006 Q, as the costs are unaffected due to raise in prices. Also, the marginal revenue will equal price, as the sale of an additional case results in a revenue equal to the price per case. In a perfect competition, the market price rises only when the demand rises from the current level. In such a case, the supply also has to rise to meet the demand. The point where the supply meets the demand is set as the market price. Hence it is very clear that the demand in the market has risen (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004). This will lead to the profit maximizing level of the firms to increase, as the firms now have the opportunity to exploit a higher demand than usual with increased prices. It is important to note that the products of all the firms are homogenous and are not differentiated in a perfect market. Moreover the customers already have all the information about the products available in the market. Hence it is very difficult to create an impact by advertising the product. The main theme of advertising is to provide information

Thursday, July 25, 2019

THE (ME )IN LEADERSHIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

THE (ME )IN LEADERSHIP - Essay Example But the definition was too generalized to understand what leadership is really all about; what makes a leader, and what character trait must be learned to become an effective leader. But recent scholars however has synthesized of what really makes a good leader. The idea of being a good leader is no longer as elusive as before. While for others leadership is inherent, it can now be learned integrating the inherent intrinsic quality of an individual and developing it to be become an effective leader. II. The Poster Explained Learning leadership begins with learning the â€Å"self†; to have certainty about himself/herself to as a foundation of confidence to lead and get things done. â€Å"It is necessary for a â€Å"leader, who possesses a clear self-concept through private self-consciousness, to be more likely to possess a strong purpose-in-life. Having a strong purpose involves consistency in self-identity (i.e., self-concept clarity) (Campbell, 1990; Frankl, 1992). The â₠¬Å"possession of a clear self-concept through private self-consciousness enables an individual to recognize the gap between what he or she is (i.e., real self) and what he or she should become (i.e., ideal self). This recognition may enable a leader to develop a strong purpose-in-life by setting goals in order to narrow the gap between the real and ideal self (Frankl, 1992; Marcus & Wurf, 1987). This clarity and lucidness of self-concept is necessary not only to get things done but also to harmonize my inner sense of self to what my peers sees in me. This â€Å"self-concept of reality is again distinct from the contents of the self-structure and is instead the level of lucidity and certitude of one's own understanding of that content- how well the leader thinks they know themselves. Campbell et al. (1996). This clear awareness of myself translates to a clearer sense of goal and purpose which will evolve to Self-Belief. Self-belief, which is the inner confidence that I will succeed and overcome any obstacle to achieve the best outcomes for service improvement. This Self-Belief attribute also will enable me to transcend myself. To be conscious how I see myself and how others sees me as well. As Abraham Maslow (1968) elaborates â€Å"He thinks that there is much more to us than what we mirror about the world around us, writing, "there is not only an orientation to the outer but also to the inner". This â€Å"mirroring as the reflections of self that a group member encounters in other group members, in the group leader, or in the group as a whole (Bion, 1961) harmonizes us within and eliminates discord beginning from perception of how I look myself through my peers. This type of mirroring can include the psychological mechanisms of denial, splitting, projection, introjection, indentification and projective and introjective indentification (Pisani, Colangeli, Giordani, & Popolla, 2006). On the other side of the mirror(s) lies the possibility of self-knowledge an d true relationship. When group members can recognize and own their projections, when they can work with them carefully and honestly in group, when they can bear the reflection(s) of their full identities, they can know more about themselves. Such, this sensitivity towards myself and others comes to mind the idea of myself likening to a dynamo whom the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Assignment - 6

Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Management - Assignment Example reality this may not be the case, the company may face sudden changes in any of these estimates and if any major change occurs, it would definitely affect the estimate and the cash flow forecast presented above. Although the company’s cash position improves gradually during the 6 month period according to the cash flow forecast there may be certain areas that may need to be considered. (BusinessLink, 2010) Managers need to be aware of the huge interest that the company has to pay for the overdrafts and the loans taken out by the company, managers should choose between the best possible sources of loan i.e. either the overdraft or the long term loan to manage the company more effectively. (Wilkinghoff, 2009) There is a major difference between the cash earned by a company and its profit. The profits that a company makes are usually based upon accounting techniques and standards and these do not always show the correct picture of a company. Profit is derived by deducting the revenue earned from the cost incurred in gaining those revenue plus other immaterial things such as depreciation, provisions, amortization, goodwill, etc. these figures are fictitious and are not in cash terms i.e. no cash is either received or paid when such things occur. Cash on the other hand gives a better picture of a company which can clearly make the managers ascertain the liquidity position of a company and the company’s actual earnings with respect to its actual spending. The cash figure clearly tells the managers as to how much liquid cash is available that can be used to invest in the business or can be paid off to its shareholders. (Liquidity, 2010) The balance sheet of Hide and Seek Ltd clearly shows the depreciation figure used up in calculating the net worth of the noncurrent assets of the organization. The balance sheet clearly shows that the company has a good working capital of around  £3100 but this is not shown in the cash flow forecast for the month of June, which

External Environment of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

External Environment of Business - Essay Example As the paper stresses many non governmental organizations that include many trade organizations and multi lateral forums, have recognized the need for a comprehensive vision on globalization. This has happened in other forums also that could represent the people of the world. World Trade Organization has its own view of the Globalization. While the other experts and researchers have their very own thought process on the issue of global village and globalization. According to the report findings World Trade Organization promotes global trade; ethical global trade. With the increasing technological and political closeness of the countries the national boundaries are merging to produce one single working economy. The fall of the Berlin wall brought about an integration of Germany, as much as the Euro that brought about unified trading partnership between the European Countries. WTO heralds the coming together of all these practices that would include sub groups like the G8, BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), and a number of multilateral forum primarily to work out consensus on the issues that plague the global trade. WTO works on the global trade sine globalization is more pronounced and felt in trade than on any other walks of life, let it be culture or sports exchanges. By bringing together a standard practice of trading code, the WTO aims at presenting a comprehensive Globalization that would bring in equality of all participants and fairn ess of trade for all stake holders of the planet. Globalization brings in multiple dimensions to the stake holders in terms of unfair dumping of products in specific areas, free market economies on one end and controlled or regulated markets at the other. Either of them cause problems to specific groups of people and could kill the lives of millions of people like what it did to the textile industry of India during the eighteenth century when Britain dumped its goods there. WTO wants to ensure that global trade that is at the heart of globalization to be free and fair to all concerned. Laissez faire is what WTO wants to promote. Free movement of goods and services across the boundaries of nations brought in through common governance. The economic globalization is the engine that is driving the process of globalization and the organizations like WTO. WTO wants to ensure that all the parties should be fairly treated and a long term vision of the planet is maintained. This is needed since for the current day gain, it is very often found that the long term vision is lost in many nations. In Indonesia, the smoke that masks the sun during summer has become a common place incident. The world has started ignoring the happening three years after the first time it occurred. Indiscriminate cutting of forests and land clearing are the major cause for the happening. WTO aims at bringing in wood control by ensuring that for every tree that is cut at one end of the forest there is another tree planted elsewhere and the cycle of cutting and planting should be continuous and not destructive. It is not a question of moving over to the next forest but rebuilding and harvesting the same forest area. Social forestry has become the watch word of many a forest departments the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Compare and contrast the planning functions of the Japanese and Research Paper

Compare and contrast the planning functions of the Japanese and Chinese economic models - Research Paper Example The economic models perform two basic functions, which include selection of information on the basis of econometric study and simplification of the gathered information. Economic models can be classified as stochastic models, non-stochastic models, qualitative models, quantitative models, equilibrium, and non-equilibrium models. If we talk about some of the benefits of having the economic models, we can say that economic models are widely used for a variety of purposes in the economic environment of every country. Some of main uses of economic models include guiding resource allocation decisions, forecasting the economic activities, planning the functions of economy, and making appropriate decisions related to the economy. All of these uses make economic model one of the most important models for the development of any country. Let us now discuss planning functions of the economic models of China and Japan, which are two of the most progressive and well-established economies of the w orld. Comparison between Planning Functions of Chinese and Japanese Economic Models Chinese economy has seen significant success and development over the last decade. The communist government of the People Republic of China has been successful in developing a strong Chinese economy, which has started developing its roots in most of the Asian, European, and American markets. â€Å"Although the politics of China remains communist, the economics might be called Advanced Mercantilist† (SNS 2010). Chinese economists have analyzed the perfects ways to deal with the west by considering the cases of South Korea and Japan and have come up with a well-designed economic modal, which has the ability to make the Chinese economy one of the most stable economies of the future world. If we talk about the Japanese model of economy, we can say that Japanese economic model has proved to be a very useful tool not only for the analysis of the current economic situation of Japan but also for the p rojection of its future economic situation. Japanese economy has faced various shocks after the World War II but the responses of the Japanese economic model to the shocks provide us with a very good approximation of the current economy of Japan. The planning functions of the Japanese economic model also depend on the types of consumers. Unlike Chinese economic model, the Japanese economic model considers consumers to be of two types, which include permanent-income-hypothesis consumers and rule-of thumb consumers. The response to shocks becomes very realistic and effective due to identification of types of the consumers. If we analyze the most recent economic recession and the affect of that economic recession on the economies of China and Japan, we come to know that china was one of those countries, which survived the economic recession up to a large extent. It is due to the implementation of an appropriate economic model that Chinese economy did not shake as the result of recent e conomic recession. Various analyses and reports show that the countries like Germany, Japan, America, and the United Arab Emirates were affected heavily due to the recent economic recession but the economy of china was so stable that the recession could not affect it up to a large extent. Japanese economy, which is currently the world’s second largest economy, also slipped into the economic rece

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ebay Problems in Asian Markets Essay Example for Free

Ebay Problems in Asian Markets Essay This paper will identify some of the reasons why E-Bay has problems in the Asian Markets as an internet auction provider. After examining articles from Philip Kotler and David Gertner as well as Moon Ihlwan among others, this paper will provide my answers about why did EBay want to expand globally as well as why any of these Asian nations wanted their business? It will explain some research explored about what types of Entry decisions the company used in the Asian Markets. Utilizing the knowledge gained about the history of global business. Answering the question about the problems that EBay has in the Asian market will allow me to discuss and apply concepts of the global market learned in module one in support of my answers. Lastly this correspondence will assess how EBay’s Marketing Mix assessment of the Four P’s assisted them in the global marketing strategy the company adopted for the Asian Markets? Why did EBay want to expand globally and why did nations wanted their business? The reasons EBay decided to expand globally were various and resulted in an overall loss for the San Diego, CA based company headed by the former CEO at the time and California Gubernatorial candidate, Meg Whitman. Some of the decisions made and acted upon by the company’s leadership were akin to the way Meg Whitman ran her political campaign. Instead of researching the culture and traditions of the places they chose to do business and working on an image of being local or at least embracing local cultures and traditions; they chose to feed issues with money. In Whitman’s case borrow millions of dollars from herself to try to resolve the issue of losing as a candidate. Getting back on subject, the countries that eBay chose to expand globally in, were like all nations; ones that needed jobs. EBay sought the cheaper labor wages as a win-win situation for themselves or some instances the prediction of a high level of success due to their business reputation. Getting into the market was not difficult as the new market fell in line with what these countries wanted in ordered to develop their economies; while in turn enhancing domestic quality of life for their citizens. EBay felt compelled to expand globally to remain competitive as the US domestic market share was becoming mature resulting in stagnant profits and overall growth. As all companies looking to globally expand eBay was investing in Asia to increase profits by gaining a positive entry into this new market share however there was no need to create a new market. The majority of the countries they chose had local internet auction industry established already. EBay’s ultimate goals were to introduce their open auction business model at an international scale starting in places like Japan, China and South Korea to take advantage of these nation’s emerging economies in order to increase wealth. Entry Decisions Through the struggles in gaining entry into these emerging market areas, EBay learned that they must adapt as well as embrace some of the new technologies and products offered by their competitors in the Asian domestic markets in order to be successful or at least competitive in the market. The beating they took in Asia was not just from Chinese and South Korean competition, but from two US based competitors in Yahoo and Google. A current domestic alliance with Yahoo against the giant Google has not resulted in any increase in positive business in the global market share as Yahoo is continuing to gain more shares of the market through its ventures with local competitors. EBay market entry decisions were integral to their failure in Asia. As ascertained from a case study published May 2008 about EBay’s Strategy in Japan 1, â€Å"†¦they entered the Japanese market late after Yahoo Japan had already established and failed to retain customers. It took them two years to concede the failure of the EBay Japan and instead of making a deal with local investors they finally folded in 2002. Ironically, in 2007 EBay made a deal with Yahoo Japan to share internet sites and products in Japan in a joint web site called â€Å"Sekaimon† 1. Their failures in Asia has eventually led to layoff of workers in countries like Taiwan and shutting down of several sites in Asia while rerouting customers to US based sites to maintain a virtual presence. In 2006 EBay’s South Korean venture Internet Auction was bested by a South Korean competitor named Gmarket whereas they equaled or eclipsed EBay’s profit share in South Korea that year. Gmarket also produced innovating products to the internet auction industry such as making shopping via internet fun and using tie-in promotions. Excerpts taken from a Moon Ilhwan internet article in Business Week2, further explain the stiff competition EBay had in South Korea from Yahoo and the local upstart, â€Å"Gmarkets business model places less emphasis on an open auction format than eBays. The company offers goods that one can order at fixed prices, with an option to negotiate prices with a seller on an exclusive basis. This allows buyers to conclude deals instantly instead of requiring them to wait until all bids are completed in open auctions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"†¦another tie in marketing program is a lottery called lucky auction. It gives buyers chances to buy everything from LCD televisions to T-shirts at a fraction of the market value. A seller promoting an MP3 player, for example, invites consumers to bid for two of them within a given price range—usually less than 10% of the retail price. Then Gmarkets computer picks two bids at random to decide the winners. Others visitors can buy the MP3 pla yer at a special offer price. The seller attracts consumers, while Gmarket happily hauls in commissions. Another incentive at Gmarket is that retailers can offer online links to their own mini homepages within the site, issue discount coupons, run joint mileage points programs, and use an internal messenger service called G-messenger for instant chatting with sellers. Some shops listed on the site have also drawn traffic by promising to donate 10 cents to a favored charity every time a product is sold†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2 Thus far EBay has attempted joint ventures and mergers to enter the Asian market share and has met negative results. This has had a negative effect on their overall performance to expense ratio in their stock valuation from 2000 thru the present time but has not deterred management from continuing to compete for a market share in Asia. An ongoing joint venture with Yahoo keeps EBay with a foot in the door of the foreign market and continues the strategic alliance against Google. EBay has expanded to Southeast Asia to see what they can obtain in Singapore, Malaysia and through operations in the Philippines. Currently they are doing promotional sites in Thailand and Vietnam to gauge future profits in those nations as well. EBay’s use of the Four P’s in their marketing mix assessment EBay’s use of the Four P’s in their assessment of their global market strategy was regretful in Asia when in comparison to Yahoo’s success. Lost on the EBay leadership was the desire to be a part of the local market and understanding cultural diversity of each Asian nation they wanted to establish a market. From my personal experiences going to countries such as Japan, South Korea, Guam, or the Philippines for business this is vital to earning shares of the Asian market and as a personal prospective as well. Yahoo’s co-founder, Yang is a male businessman of Chinese-Taiwanese descent which had to give Yahoo an edge in Japan, China and South Korea over EBay’s CEO at the time Meg Whitman; who was female, Caucasian descent and unaware culturally of how to gain the confidence of local leaders and business persons. 3 The product that EBay had to offer was nothing innovative to the Asian market as there was already a local variant of online auctions/internet industry thriving in Japan, China and South Korea. Timing and placement of EBay’s business model was late and over reaching as Yahoo already was established in each of the locations chosen and early profits resulted in a false analysis of future outcomes for EBay in Asia. Promotions used on the global EBay sites had advertising geared globally instead of locally which went ignored by local customer’s. More emphasis toward local advertising of domestic interests could have attracted and retained their customer base. Lastly, pricing of their product which was part of the business model was somewhat excessive and confusing. So when an upstart company like Gmarket introduces something simple like, fixed prices and special deals the customer’s internet shopping experience just became more simplified to use and less time to use resulting in a more desirable overall product than EBay was offering at the time. The EBay pricing system had customer’s waiting out the end of a bidding process which still did not guarantee the customer the outcome desired if they were outbid. EBay’s management’s inflexibility hindered the local management’s ability to make decisions that would help them get more of the local market share and build from there in their own country and marketplace. 3 Discussion EBay’s ventures in expanding to a global market were incurred several surmountable challenges. As stated in the lesson the Asian market share is vital and profitable for many companies. As the research depicted one of EBay’s primary challenges was completion at several levels; global and local/domestic competitors all vying for a market share of the internet auction industry. EBay attempted to manage market entry problems long after their original business model was viable in the region, by adapting lowering or waiving fees for its services to keep up with the competition from Yahoo, Google, Chinese stall worth Internet Auction and South Korean upstart GMarket. EBay failed to incorporate some of the local technical innovations that likes of GMarket produced for its customer base such as, local advertising on the sites, fixed price so that internet shoppers could get what they were shopping for and not have to outbid others and wait for the outcome of who actually won/bought the products advertised. History was another problem for EBay, they did not study the culture and traditions of the places they chose to enter the market at. Cultural traditions and business practices are conversely different in China which operates under quasi-governmental entities, and Japan and South Korea where they operate under version of the â€Å"Free Market† concept. Along with not understanding Asian cultures the company did not attempt to adapt its global business model to the local market when incorporating its management and leadership philosophies to the region. This resulted in a management and leadership staff overseas that would not be capable of maturing as a team to meet the local demands of the market. Just being in the region did not give EBay the advantage they seemed it would, thus their own inflexibility and lack of foresight contributed greatly to the problems they are facing in the Asian market. To EBay’s credit they have not thrown in the towel and have remained in Asia through joint ventures and are actually conducting promotion in Southeast Asia (Thailand and Vietnam) as well operations in Singapore, the Philippines and other places.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Situation Simulation in Nursing | Research

Situation Simulation in Nursing | Research INTRODUCTION Background In nursing education, simulation is a mainstay for clinical learning (Tanner, 2006), particularly in the areas of safety, problem solving, and communication (Durham Alden, 2008). Also simulation-based education leads to improved self-confidence in performance (Cant and Cooper, 2010) According to Jefferies (2005), successful learning using simulation requires alignment of the design, teaching activities, competencies, and learning outcomes. The case scenario, including simulations of actual clinical problems, provides an interactive learning environment, engaging students in the learning process and encouraging them to make connections between and among concepts. Environmental interactivity and feedback typically is achieved through the use of a high-fidelity patient simulator supplemented with role-play techniques (Good, 2003). Although simulation has been used successfully, more recently, in medical and nursing education programs (King Reising 2011; Tan, Ti, Ho, Lee, 2002), its use as an evaluative tool is still not fully developed. Student performance evaluation is a very important step during simulation-based practice. There is limited research in the use of simulation in nursing education and the evaluation of student competency (Reed, 2010). The instrument, developed by Jenkins (1985), is a self-report measure in which respondents are asked to identify processes or strategies used in deriving clinical decisions. Because one used for evaluating the quality, the validity of a general self-report measure would be questionable. Faculty evaluation of student performance was found to be the primary evaluation method, with student report of performance second and evaluation of videotaped performance third (Nehring Lashley,2004). Radhakrishnan et al.(2007) described using simulation to evaluate clinical skill performance in several areas: safety, basic assessment, prioritization, problem-focused assessment, ensuing interventions, delegation, and communication. Lasater (2007) also developed Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LCJR) based on Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model (noticing, interpreting, responding, and reflecting). The LCJR defines what is meant by noticing, interpreting, responding, and reflecting with 11 dimensions with four scale levels. Although, LCJR has relevance for all clinical contexts, including acute care, long-term care, and community health (Lasater, 2007), for simulation evaluation with emergency situation such as asthma, competency evaluation in clinical decision making should be undertaken. It is reported in both the nursing and medical literature (Edwards, 2007; Ottestad, Boulet, Lighthall, 2007) that real-time observation may be necessary to appropriately evaluate clinical decision making because it can reveal contextual and communication factors that may not otherwise be uncovered. Furthermore, to enhance the effectiveness of simulations in nursing education, a reliable and valid evaluation instrument is needed to measure students’ performance. Asthma mostly leads to emergency conditions because it shows spasmodic respiratory relapses and unpredictable occurrences. Especially, if asthma continues for a long time, it can progress into chronic lung disease and patient can experience suffering (Ko et al., 2010). Therefore it has to be considered as first priority problem in nursing care and nursing students must be prepared to provide emergency nursing care with high-fidelity simulation experiences for caring patients with asthma. Accordingly, simulation modules may help to provide a comprehensive understanding of asthma and asthma management. The purpose of this article are ; (a) to develop a scenario for patients with asthma for simulation education of nursing students, (b) to develop the evaluation checklist, and (c) to evaluate students’ performances. METHODS Design This study is a methodological study to evaluate students’ performance according to developing and applying of simulation scenario for patients with asthma in emergency units. Context and Participants The study was conducted at a regional school of nursing that offers a Bachelor of Nursing program in South Korea. In 2013, following ethics approval, third year (N=112) nursing students undertaking their first simulated learning experience were informed about the study. Total participants were divided 28 groups and the member of each group was 4 students (the role of doctor, nurse1, nurse2, family). The allocation of team and participants` role was assigned by randomization. The participants ages ranged from 20 to 24 years. The majority of students (88.9%) were women. Development process of asthma scenario with algorithm and evaluation checklist nursing journals (Poirier et al., 2000; Sarrell et al., 2002; Walsh et al. 2006). Issues included signs and symptoms of dyspnea, coughing with sputum, and anxiety related to the validity of the simulation evaluation by expert review. This scenario was based on a real dyspnea case with asthma that had occurred in emergency center of general hospital. To evaluate student performance in simulation, a team of researcher developed a template of an evaluation tool to include key elements from simulation course objectives. The following three main contents were identified: patient safety (infection control and error identification), communication, and critical thinking related to patient assessment, problem identification with nursing diagnosis, and intervention with evaluation. The items of evaluation checklists were selected, reviewed, and analyzed by 9 expert panel including 2 internal medicine doctors, 3 emergency center nurses, and 4 nursing educators. All items of checklist include a core set of key behaviors expected in this simulation course. The evaluation checklist based on three main contents (patient safety, communication and critical thinking) was formulated according to nursing process Finally, 4 items were deleted and 24 items reached by consensus (Table 1). The preparation subdomain consisted of three checkpoints, while the assessment subdomain was divided into seven checkpoints. Three nursing problems were included in the problem identification subdomain. The intervention with evaluations subdomain consisted of eleven checkpoints (Table 1). The evaluation checklist score was based on a 3-point Likert scale (1: not fulfill, 2: partially fulfill, 3: fulfill). The higher the evaluation checklist score, the higher the performance rating. Content validity is an important part of scale development because the results gained from an instrument with high representative nature are more reliable (Waltz Bausell, 1981). Content Validity Index (CVI) is a commonly used indicator of scale validity and in particular content validity. A content validity test was conducted with 10 nurses who worked in a medical-surgical unit in one of the three general hospitals sampled; each had at least three years of experience in the unit. According to Lynn (1986), an expert panel ideally includes about ten people. Each expert checked validity using the 4-point Likert scale; 1 means ‘not validate at al’, 2 means ‘not validate’, 3 means ‘validate’ and 4 means ‘very validate’. There were 24 items in total; the mean score of each item ranged from 3.30 to 3.90. The results of the Content Validity Index were above 80% (Waltz Bausell, 1981). Data collection A 20 minute scenario requiring students to use their clinical reasoning ability to identify and respond to a deteriorating ‘patient’ with asthma was presented. Four nursing students were engaged in the simulation at the same time. One operator and one instructor observed the simulations from the control room. Evaluators had simulation exercise for conformity degree of evaluation using two group students selected for evaluation practice. The evaluation of students’ performance was completed two times, immediately following simulation practice and reviewing of video-recording by two instructors. For accurate evaluation, evaluators rechecked and discussed item by item to decrease evaluation bias replaying video. Their performance was evaluated as a group. Data analysis method Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) to calculate descriptive and t-test statistics for the evaluation checklist. RESULTS Algorithm with a scenario of simulation-based asthma management The simulation-based asthma scenario in this study was developed to identify and solve patient’s problems applying nursing skills and utilizing critical thinking. Development of this scenario was based on a real dyspnea case with asthma that had occurred in an emergency center. 1. Learning objective Learning objectives were formulated as follows: Explain pathophysiology of asthma Assessment of asthma patient Explain medication and effects of asthma drug Identified nursing diagnosis based on critical thinking Effectively communicate with the patient and colleague Implementation of evidenced based adequate nursing interventions 2. Development of a simulation-based asthma scenario The contents of scenario based on four steps was formulated; preparation, assessment, problem identification, interventions and evaluation. The preparation subdomain was consisted of the preparation content that should be cared for patients who admitted to emergency unit. The assessment subdomain were included in check the chief complaint, identify symptom related to chief complaint (dyspnea pattern, cyanosis, delayed expiration, pallor, color of mucus membrane, check SpO2, identify vital signs, auscultate respiratory sounds, check EKG rhythm with cardiorespiratory monitoring equipment), and identify past history. Problem identification subdomain organized that student can be present nursing diagnosis related to asthma; 1) Ineffective airway clearance related to excessive secretion, 2) Ineffective breathing pattern related to airway obstruction, 3) Anxiety related to dyspnea. Intervention and evaluation were organized focusing on the nursing process for dyspnea care(high fowler`s position), encourage of deep breathing (pursed-lip breathing, abdominal breathing), notify doctor and receive treatment order, administration of O2 and medication, nursing care for dyspnea control(drainage sputum with coughing), reassess patient`s condition(vital signs repeatedly, SaO2, EKG monitoring, respiratory status, physical examination, , SpO2, ABGA), educate coping behavior when symptoms are aggravated(deep breathing, coughing, drinking water, and aging nurses), support patient and family with therapeutic communication(explain easy, listening, relieve anxiety, communicate clearly with peers), arrange materials and instruments and wash hands, and record the nursing implementations. 3. Development of algorithm The algorithm proceeded as follows: patient safety (Step 1) and critical thinking and communication(Step 2)(Figure 1). Evaluation checklist The evaluation checklist consisted of four subdomains based on nursing processes: preparation, assessment, problem identification, intervention, and evaluations. The mean score of each subdomain is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Means of Items of Developed Evaluation Checklist The total mean score of the evaluation checklist was 2.39 ( ± .15). The mean score of each subdomain was as follows: preparation 2.05( ±.49), assessment 2.52 ( ± .33); problem identification 2.74 ( ± .33); intervention and evaluation 2.22 ( ± .30). The interobserver reliability between evaluators (Cohen`s Kappa score) was 0.949 % and there were no statistical significant differences among each item. The evaluation of students’ performance In the subdomain of preparation, students showed the highest mean score in the item ‘identify patient by name care and asking’ (2.46 ±.54) while the lowest item was ‘introducing self to the patient his/her parent(s)’ (1.68 ±.86). In the subdomain of assessment, the strong practice areas that student was well done were ‘identify vital signs’ (2.93 ±.26) while the lowest mean score was ‘auscultate respiratory sounds’ (2.11 ±.73). In the subdomain of problem identification, the highest mean score was ‘ineffective breathing pattern related to airway obstruction’ (2.93 ±.83) while the lowest mean score was ‘ineffective airway clearance related to excessive secretion’ (2.55 ±.74). In the subdomain of interventions and evaluations, the highest mean score was ‘notify doctor and receive treatment order if needed’ while the lowest mean score was ‘educate coping behaviors when symptoms are aggravated’ (1.93 ±.60). DISCUSSION In this study, the contents of simulation was formulated with asthma situation which is the most high frequency and required nursing care with education to improve an appropriate coping ability of nursing students. For this, the 3rd year students who have experienced only theoretical learning about respiratory care were selected to identify clinical performance ability according to learning objectives. So, the contents of scenario in this study was focused to achieve clinical performance ability of nursing students with three main contents (patient safety, communication and critical thinking) There are few studies which was dealt with respiratory problem. A simulation scenario for emergency care of patients with dyspnea used by Hur Park (2012) included only contents to train theoretical education as the nursing process. In case of other research dealing with simulation case for patients with asthma in emergency units (Ko et al, 2010), the contents of scenario was formulated into five categories as follows: problem recognition, focused assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention and problem resolution. However, there was a limitation about testing clinical performance ability. We suggest that three domains and contents of a scenario developed in this study are more suitable to improve students’ clinical performance. Lindsay(2010) suggest that measuring the performance of nursing care directly is more effective than using psychological variables as testing the effect of simulation learning. The evaluation checklist used in this study was developed to examine students’ critical thinking as well as their knowledge and skills in proper nursing care and validated by expert panels. The evaluation domain, which fully implements high-fidelity simulations, offers information to nursing educators about students learning outcomes. The use of simulations to evaluate clinical ability provides a more direct correlation to actual clinical settings than other commonly used forms of evaluation. The evaluation indicated that the focus was on performance rather than learning. The studys evaluation checklist would also be a useful and established guide for nursing educators evaluating student performance through simulations. This checklist describes the overall evaluation process and clarifies the evaluations target subject and procedure. This encourages students to repeat checkpoint reviews, leading to the correction of earlier mistakes. The effect of reviewing past checkpoints cr eates an integrative, rather than a static learning experience (Reed, 2010). To test evaluation validity, the consensus between evaluators was identified and showed almost similar evaluation results with no statistical significant difference. In the domain of patient safety, students showed the highest mean score in the item ‘identify patient by name care and asking, while the lowest item was ‘introducing self to the patient his/her parent(s)’. This result implies that addressing to introduce oneself to patient before caring patients as a part of simulation education is necessary. The research (Kim et al., 2013) which was developed simulation-based fever management module and evaluated student performance showed that ‘introducing self to the patient his/her parent(s)’ was identified as the lower mean score among other evaluation items. These similar results suggest that noticing themselves to the patient is so important to protect patient’s safety. In the domain of critical thinking and communication, the strong practice areas that student was well done were ‘identify vital signs’ in assessment, ‘ineffective breathing pattern related to airway obstruction’ in problem identification, and ‘notify doctor receive treatment order if needed’ in interventions and evaluations. However the weak practice areas which education and practice will be needed were ‘auscultate respiratory sounds’ in assessment, ‘ineffective airway clearance related to excessive secretion’ in problem identification, ‘educate coping behaviors when symptoms are aggravated’ in interventions and evaluations. It is required that students needs high level practice of assessment and performance skill with critical thing. Jeffries (2005) suggests that simulation education through direct participation and prompt feedback is effective learning method to reinforce clinical performance ability. In this study, theoretical class and orientation about simulation situation was given before simulation practice to find more effective nursing intervention. As a next step, students could enhance the strong point and make up week areas in the process applying nursing care with direct participation. Based on this result, we suggest that integrated simulation approach after learning of theoretical knowledge and nursing skill training could be effective education method to improve clinical performance ability and critical thinking of nursing students. The study of Kim et al (2007) supports these aspects that simulation education is more effective than lecture focused on knowledge and simple skill practice i n acquisition clinical performance skill of nursing students. CONCLUSION This study could provide a clinical performance or starting point for educators who desire to introduce simulation as teaching-learning strategy with high-fidelity simulation experiences for caring patients with asthma. The results provide evidence to support the integration of simulation as an effective teaching strategy that helps to improve nursing students` safety, problem solving, and communication in applying clinical skills using evaluation checklist. Annotated Bibliography: Portrayal of Women in the Media Annotated Bibliography: Portrayal of Women in the Media Literature Review The last 20 years has been a steady increase in the number of women professionals, although most common in the media business, politics and the economy continues to rely on men as experts in. Mostly Women portrayal news stories about accidents, natural disasters, or domestic violence instead of their professional capabilities or proficiency. Women in politics are similarly sidelined. Canadian journalist Jenn Goddu analyzed newspaper and magazine 15 years on the treatment of three women’s lobby groups. She found that journalists likely more focus on the domestic issues of the politically participated woman’s life (such as their fashion, routine life and way of living and dealing) rather than her point on the issues. Pdf _______________________________________________-04 Arpita Sharma, studied the Portrayal of Women in Mass Media in India. He stated that Indian sate have a free and responsible press. He investigated the issue women were sold in Eluru of Andhra Pradesh that issue news published in 1998. On such kinds of incidents he found two major aspects. One is women still only sold and purchased and unwanted away if you cursed suffer discrimination and degrading of women in various parts of the country may be a reflection of goods is considered one of the eateries. Second, but only a few sensational newspapers flashed on issues, emphasizes the role of the media in public construction. Usually, it is determined the place in the newspaper. He added that in India a few newspapers are running women’s page that represents the beauty tips, recipes and fashion. He also studied the womens magazines seek constantly to lead the feminine energies in narrow channels and define their concerns, concerns and aspirations within imposed arbitrarily framework of womens work. Apart from the looks and dresses stress it comes to the development of the mental faculties and the behavior in a way that they can fit into womens male dominated social structure. He studied the structure of the stories in magazines and described that women are described with the ambition of life get a straight man and his retention at all costs. The media advocacy group studied, the womens and mens news and current affair programs (1994) they stated that women have traditionally been associated with areas limited relationship programs. Even those women call their exterior prettified setting; can be seen to give their views on topics related to home and family. In conclusion words, Sharma says that Media in India not to discuss serious issues related to women and womens roles in society is equal to its own rights and makes a sufficient effort to ready to play. To change this situation, the benefits and disadvantages of the bride and the media constantly monitor is required. Arpita, Portrayal of Women in Mass Media The news media is changing to reflect their increasing womens representation in political status as elected representatives and community participation and and New Zealand national policy is clear. But it does not mean that the old adage applies better. Every day on television, radio broadcasts and print media increased visibility of women, in politics, structural, systematic gendering. This time, however, Women themselves with tolerance, gendering of tolerance and the representation of women in politics sexist media feeds. The media does not reflect the truth in politics or outdated, the ladies sexist images and words and concepts are mired in the private sphere about womens place (van Acker, 1999). New Zealand while on top of the world in terms of womens political resources are represented as instances of the trivialisation and condemnation, and continue to occur, in some cases, trivial media portrayals of women employed by the public relations strategies for political gain. I would suggest. Neglect, in its original form, dotted with high-profile women in the contemporary political scene, but the evidence is less relevant to the concept of womens perspectives, is still in some places is omitted. Journalism educators in the 21st century in terms of visibility/invisibility of gender theory, news and media, you must reboot for the quality of less represented. Susan Fountaine, Judy McGregor, Reconstructing gender for the 21st century: News media framing of political women in New Zealand With more than 50 State Capitol Hill each year representing the women, many women politicians have noted that the same treatment is not allowed, such as media men. In a study of women politicians on the news focuses on character traits and its policy more arguments less than male colleagues for that. 03. News coverage of female politicians focuses on personality, males on the issues Date: July 3, 2013, Source: SAGE Publications Dunaway et. al studied the Traits versus Issues: How Female Candidates Shape Coverage of Senate and Gubernatorial Races, in the State Elections of 2006 and 2008 elections, approximately 10,000 newspaper articles covering the data collected across the USA. The study authors Dunaway et. al, the focus in terms of the [political] stated that the net change between the races. The previous literature and their own expectations, in General, women candidates are racing against male races more likely the property feature stories. They found that Only 6% of the time and the character traits to choose coverage problems% 34.5 time, male-female issues from time to time the races, properties,% 10.8% focused on articles and only male selections, 33.0 character properties is focused on the issues from time to time,% 9.4% 32.1 found stories stories. The researchers concluded that, personal characteristics and properties of the candidates with a more focused news races women candidates and finding the Governor campaigns especially stark. J. Dunaway, R. G. Lawrence, M. Rose, C. R. Weber.Traits versus Issues: How Female Candidates Shape Coverage of Senate and Gubernatorial Races. Political Research Quarterly, 2013; DOI:10.1177/1065912913491464 In nature, this paper adopted the content analysis method. This did it begins with the small Big Naira Kobo, entrepreneurship is a leading national newspaper in Nigeria, a property of the column to explore womens participating in the media frame Because he was selected to work in the newspaper business desk signature page column. Analysis, paper print media framing, enhancing their socio-economic empowerment for Women Entrepreneurship is important for the world as a tool that can serve as the finish. Therefore, the Mission of becoming a real instrument of social change punch newspaper to fulfill this while maintaining his begins with the small Big Naira Kobo column property of the positive image you will have to increase the numerical quota framework womens characterization, frame. To the extent that these are three of the four women featured in the successful entrepreneur, the punch is acting as a complementary agency of women empowerment, Women womens ability to use their own aspects of the control is defined while they participate in the way of effective group work for social change. Samuel Okere, Justina Sam-Okere, Print Media Framing of Women in Entrepreneurship: Prospects for Women Empowerment IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 9, Issue 6 (Mar. Apr. 2013), PP 31-38 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. The depiction of women in the Indian media, its just a bad time is rude. Newspapers to give news about rape, crime, politics, scandals, sports and Economy, serious discussions and debates on womens issues in General is completely missing. Local media reported the woman Gets a share of only pages where the colorful portrayal of a lot of players in the TV serial or movie stars, as well as some of the warm welcome, and pin-up about the grapevine. The British press, hot babes snaps and party-Mania lives on the provision of very erotic Photo Gallery star hotels. Even sports stars are a way of depicting their physical attraction photos. The woman in the Indian media, be it Movies, TV series, news, media, Visual advertising, or modernized traditional media, social science research and studies of people indeed for a space is a big concern. Some studies have found women (status and equality of opportunity) the inevitable social issues related to the sensational stories of crime stories in the newspapers about women with less than nine percent between 52 to 63 percent. (Nitin Jugran Bahuguna) Dr. Sanjeev K. Sharma Depiction of Women in Indian Media- A Case of Introspection for Media Planners. Published in Samaj Vigyan Shodh Patrika, Amroha, Vol. I, No.1, April-Sep.2005, pp.32-36 Grant (2013) argued that analysts tend to think in terms of two broad categories: visibility, reporting and quality. How much a person shows the visibility or discussed, and how important is placed in a newspaper or news broadcast coverage. Women election participants from time to time get a lot of news coverage due to their novelty value because they associate with powerful man, as in the case of Chow, who married with former NDP leader Jack Layton is mentioned in every newspaper stories according to Grant analyses of coverage of the 2006 Canadian federal election. Such kind of women coverage portrayal women as different because of their sex, likely norm of as the men view however, it is not clear that it would be a direct electoral drawback for women. In fact, depending on the quality of the coverage more coverage may be useful for candidates. Grant also found in his study that important issue ofhowmen and women news story are covered differently. He stated that coverage of female candidates usually fall under the four categories; sex object, mother, pet, and iron maiden, each of which is equal to the representation of women in politics more generally, as well as for the danger of gender equality. However, Iron Maiden is another popular and at the same time, the male toughness while unfeminine implicitly criticized the women candidates is my discovery book news, intruder behavior with exaggerated. This news depiction of women politicians, aggressive behavior is actually harmful to the voter may be to find the book for the evaluation. He concluded that when a woman goes on the distasteful, voters’ evolutes her news stories more negatively, and a result that was not produced for her male comparators in this portion of the study. The general attitude and reporting directly link between news media under the cross-hairs of women assessing the political. Grant. G, Elizabeth News Media Coverage of Elections Contributes to Women’s Political Under-Representation 2013 The study focused on womens issues related to the Newspapers by the welcome. The two daily newspapers in Hindi, Amar Ujala Jagran Danik is taken to work and . Both papers published and in Dehradun (capital of Uttarakhand state) circulation of Uttarakhand. Researcher analyized the newspapers about equality womens issues such as Health, education, sexual harassment, violence against women, police brutality and crime-related issues. All kinds of printed material on these issues articles, news, analysis, opinions, Editor, the letter was taken for analysis as a separate column, and etc. the year 2006 was selected to examine the contents of the newspaper. Newspapers are less indicates that the percentage of womens issues. Usually, the newspaper is a good place for an eye-catching image of women in the news; property, or ads. Womens issues in terms of sexual harassment such as more coverage to violence, crime and police brutality than the equality health, education, health coverage. The newspapers give a high rate of sexual abuse against women, developmental problems and other issues less coverage than this issue. The analysis also indicates that the given space vs. equality, health, womens education, as well as other topics to Newspapers by negligible. The newspaper society in a changing world does not provide a balanced picture of womens diverse lives and contributions to the data. He concluded that participation, representation and advancement of women in the media and its impact on access and use, and as a tool for empowerment of women. Dr Vandana Nautiyal Mr Jitendra Dabral WOMEN ISSUES IN NEWSPAPERS OF UTTARAKHAND Global Media Journal – Indian Edition/ISSN 2249-5835 , Summer Issue / June 2012 Vol. 3/No.1 Women in the absence of mass circulation Urdu language newspaper in a way that is evident in the senior ranks, in addition to smaller circulation in shaping social attitudes which the province plays a very important role in the regional press. Independent press, but applications of self-censorship and ethics, the outlook varies according to demand and audience made the newspapers. For example, while some shun the violence and disregard for others are projecting to highlight the needs of the people. The main concern in a way that the projection of women. Even while direct damage, this time the female victim, rape, wife-beating and humiliation of names through print, photo or both, always hinted at this without the permission of their privacy by. Objections to grow poor especially disadvantaged and often â€Å"made outcast. References Butt Mourion (1996) studied the portrayal of women in general press, is practically non-existent with the exception of magazine sections and limited news. The Womens lack of realism in private press and exhibits extreme offers the sad situations with fantasizing or is over-whelming portrayal. In addition, the scope of women in rural production, womens education, health, etc. is your own level of performance compared to the low level. The woman seems to be unaware of the needs of communities, and the private press skill does not address the various layers in a positive direction, whereby, in a variety of trades and social assistance programs is displayed, and a comprehensive and realistic way to portray positive women taught in different areas of our society contributes to this by the media projected us and women real projection would be a turning point for the progress and development of Women in the country. Butt, A. G. Mourion (1996). Portrayal of Women in the Communication Media, Lahore: Pakistan Women’s Institute. Gibbons (2006), in her latest study of women in journalism, found that women continue to be the breaking and making news away from the second sex. Radio, television and newspaper content on the same day, a full day after 76 countries that ignore the issues and resources for underrepresented and sometimes downright notice, regardless of the medium also commented. Women outnumber men as newsmakers in single big news. The effect of gender-based violence, intense women even stories like inserts; the judge is the voice of a man. This report, women second class status, grossly, and in general the judge reveals. Gibbons, S. (2006) â€Å"Womens Lowly News Status Is a Global Insult† Women News, Run Date: 02/22/06,, Retrieved on 19th July, 2006 Tiongson (1999), presented an outline of Isis International-Manila, Violence against Women in Media, a media pack, March 1998. She said that the depiction of women in the media that the victims, nurturing, selfless, obedient, and dependent, his mother and his wife, being heterosexual, sex-object, whore, mistress in Asia – the characteristic was consistent, she said and also contributing to the development process, many women workers, farmers and professionals. To make matters worse, some members of the media tend to the efforts of womens organizations or alleviate the cartoon. News womens visibility is often sensational stories, rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence and other violence-related. She further assumed that Asian media stereotypes, inaccurate and Biased media portrayal of women persistent content and pictures of stereotypical and traditional roles of women, thus perpetuating patriarchal and sexist gender identities, and to strengthen the relationships between men and women. Constant negative portrayal of women and freedom of expression in print, broadcast and Film screening has become a license for. This is an insult to womens portrayal of the nature of, in fact, its hard to pinpoint in the last few years has been more subtle and insidious.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Russias Relationship with the Rest of the World

Russias Relationship with the Rest of the World Will Russia be able to live without European Union? Even before the invasion of Crimea started, Russia and European Union did not have a good relationship which had resulted in many heated disputes. However, after Russia annexed Crimea, conflicts have become more complex and serious. Many Russian citizens who are pro-kremlin, after the annexing of Crimea became even more euro-skeptical and demanded Russia to Cut the ties with Europe and start cooperating with Asia, so they could utilize all of the benefits that such great economy could offer. Russia would benefit politically too, because countries in Asia do not particularly focus on the human right issues. The Europe or Asia topic has been discussed in Russia for centuries and this, for Russia, seems like a suitable moment to re-orientate towards Asia. But even if Russia would want to re-orientate to Asia market, would it be possible for Russia to isolate themselves from the European Union. There are a lot of arguments that oppose this Asia plan. First of all, it is demography. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Russian citizens got the taste of the western culture, the Russian society started to become more pro-European. The population in the closest regions to Asia has decreased[1], [2] and that is poor because those are the regions that should play a key role in the cooperation with Asia. There are many reasons for people to leave Eastern Russia. The subsidies for working there are not as big anymore, the climate is bad and the salaries are just bigger in the western region of Russia. A significant part of Russia’s population has been born in the European side of the Russia, i.e. Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, and because basically it is Europe, one could say that those Russians have been born and raised in Europe. Secondly, the current Russia’s economic structure makes the efforts to isolate themselves from European Union practically impossible. Since 1998 Russia has always had a positive trade balance.[3] They have been importing a lot of stuff from Western-Europe.[4] Data from Trading Economics about year 2012 tells us that Russia’s imports reached 245 billion dollars of which 65% were various tools and transport mechanisms.[5] While Asia’s role in Russian imports has increased from 23 per-cent in 2009 to 27 per-cent in 2013[6] and Europe’s part has decreased by 5 per-cent in the same time span[7], and it is probable that Asia’s role in Russian imports will increase, still it would take decades until Russia transfers all its imports to Asia. But unfortunately for Russia, significant part of Russia’s import from Asia is made by Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and these countries have close military ties with the United States of America.[8] So these three countries would probably follow the United States, if they tried to isolate Russia. Even if Russia’s government accepts the re-orientation from West to East, it would not be a solution to Russia’s short-term problems with the European Union. At this time Russia and Europe are dependent on each other and cutting the trading ties would be disastrous for both sides. Europe needs Russia’s natural gas and oil as much as Russia needs Europe’s industrial tools. Of course, Russia can choose Asia to be its future partner, but right now it is Europe and Europe only. Sanctions on Russia It may seem that European Union and its allies are collectively agreeing on what and how harsh sanctions should be directed to Russia. But that is not the case. Harsh reality is that European Union cannot decide on sanctions against Russia because there are many Member States which oppose these harsh sanctions on Russia.[9] And those Member States who are not willing to introduce bitter sanctions include such influential countries as Germany and Austria. Europe’s response to insurgency in Ukraine has been discreet and such cautious reaction has one reason – money. The trading volume between European Union and Russia has been humongous. With 9.5 per-cents from total trading volume it is the third biggest European Union’s partner.[10] According to data provided by European Commission, trade between European Union and Russia flourished in 2012. Such growth was mainly caused by a bigger import of energy resources. One of the energy resources that Europe is really dep endent on is oil because the number of Europe’s oilfields is reducing fast so Europe has to buy more from Russia.[11] As Russia is so dependent to the income from the gas exports[12], a complete cut-off is not in the conversation. Hence the pipes that provide their gas go through Ukraine, there are seven European Union member states which may be concerned about the natural gas cut-off, they are the three Baltic States, Finland, Hungary and Bulgaria.[13] Fortunately, even in the case of a natural gas cut-off, as the last winter was not as harsh, these member states will probably manage to deal with it because the storages for gas in these countries are almost full.[14] Europe’s trade is very unequal. There are few countries that make up the bigger part of exports and imports. For example, Germany exports to Russia are valued in 39 billion euros[15] which is more than a third of European Union’s exports. By exporting industrial tools and machines to Russia, Italy has earned 11.5 billion Euros.[16] Netherlands exports to Russia make up 8 billion euros.[17] These three countries are responsible for roughly 60 per-cents of European Union’s exports. Crisis influence on external politics is best seen in Italy. Italy is one of the countries in active opposition against harsh sanctions on Russia. This matter is as supported by society as it is by Italy’s government. Instead of pushing sanctions against Russia, Italy is concentrating on beneficial-to-both-sides cooperation. Looking back at the history between both of these countries, they have never had any serious disagreements, so their neutral stance on Russia is understandable. And of the three most influential sanction opposing countries Italy has the most fragile economic situation, of course, Germany’s and Austria’s economic situations are not entirely stable, but they are not as fragile as Italy’s is. There will always be disagreements and different views at problems in the European Union since some countries are better off than others. For example, Scandinavian countries in comparison with southern Europe countries. Each country has its own problems which are in most cases primary to European Union headaches. It is possible that after some decades European Union will be a full union and the current disputes between European Union member states will be no more than a distant memory. Russian sanctions on Latvia/Europe After three waves of sanctions that Europe, United States of America and other countries placed on Russia, on 7th of August Russia published their economic sanctions. Prior to that Russia had only sanctioned certain American and Canadian officials. When describing Russia’s embargo influence on country’s economy, Latvian Ministry of Finance said â€Å"The influence of Russia’s sanctions will be moderate†, they continued â€Å"Today’s published sanctions concerns only 4.6 per-cents of the year 2013 exports to Russia or 0.2 per-cents of the GDP †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and they added that the loses would be roughly 50 million euros.[18] Intellectual society says that Ministry of Finance is downplaying it and that the embargo by Russia will be much tougher to bear with. In fact Latvia is one of the top four countries which will be hit the hardest by these sanctions. All of the four, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are Russia’s border countries. In these countries twenty-six per-cents of all the food exports go to Russia. To make the numbers little more understandable, in the United States of America it is 0.9 per-cents, in France it is 1.25 per-cents and in the United Kingdom it is 0.7 per-cents. As NATO and its allied countries raised these sanctions against Russia, they should be the ones that take care of these four countries which got hit the hardest by the counter-sanctions from Russia. NATO should make its member states open their markets to Finland’s and the Baltic States goods. And for Latvia it is not only those 26 per-cents of food export to Russia mentioned previously. A significant part of exports to Lithuania should be counted in as loses caused by the Russian sanctions, as Lithuania is only a transshipment place for goods that need to be taken to Russia. If the exports to Lithuania which is really addressed to Russia gets added, the hit gets even harder, not only for the food industry but for the transpor tation industry too, because all the shipments to Russia got cancelled for the embargo. The estimated loss for the transport industry is 70 million euros. And the packaging company’s shouldn’t be forgotten too, because someone needs to pack all the food that gets exported to Russia and now, because of the embargo, packaging companies will suffer too. And hence the workload in these companies gets smaller, they do not need as many workers, so Latvia has to prepare itself for a sudden rise of the unemployment rate in the country. It has already happened in one of the four countries – Finland. Finland’s biggest dairy product’s producer Valio laid-off eight-hundred workers that worked in factories which produced products for export to Russia.[19] It is only a matter of time for Latvia’s biggest dairy product company Food Union until it starts letting people go. Since a half of the production is normally exported to Russia, such actions are inevi table.[20] In its embargo Russia has yet not included preserved fishes. However the fish processing companies are already worried, because two thirds of all the fish products made in Latvia are preserved fishes and almost all of the fish processing companies in Latvia are one hundred per-cent exporting.[21] In mid-August Russia’s Federal Fishing Agency already proposed its Ministry of Agriculture to include in the embargo preserved fishes.[22] If such proposal gets accept and preserved fishes really do get included in the Russian embargo Latvia can count another fifty million euros in loses. Fish processing industry provides more than five-thousand families in Latvia, and in some places is even the biggest job provider in the city, for example, Salacgriva.[23] If preserved fishes get included in the embargo it can lead to another emigration wave by all of the laid-off workers. In the worst case scenario cities that rely solely on fish processing industry could just get abandoned and slow ly die out. In these circumstances European Union should get involved and allow protectionism in countries that get hit by the embargo the most. Then countries could announce that fifty per-cent of all the dairy, meat and fish products in the stores must be made in the local market. Therefore, the companies will no more have to sell their products barely for the cost or just throw them out. Of course, such action is outlawed by Article 34 TFEU for discriminating imports,[24] but in these times when companies are struggling because of the Russian embargo and European Union sanctions, and families are left without their main money provider, European Union should deal with the consequences of their actions and allow protectionism of the local goods. But these under-risk companies are not just simply waiting for something to happen. They are taking the matters into their own hands by unionizing. For example, in Latvia milk processing, meat and fish products producers unions have merged into a single one and it is called the Food Exporters Union. It is led by Didzis Smits (Schmits). He is responsible for lobbying Latvia’s sprats producing technology which is a great achievement. Food Exporters Union’s goal is to protect food producers interests and to make the dialogue with the government much easier. It will definitely help with obtaining new markets. The big target must be Asia. Establishing contacts with Asia is difficult for a single company, it would be expensive and time consuming. But that is a different case for a union. Currently Latvian food exports to China, added together with Estonian, that are our partners in business with China, only makes nineteen million euros.[25], [26] To accelerate the growth of t his number Latvian Minister of Agriculture Duklavs and Estonian Minister of Agriculture Padars are working together and are actively involved in talks with China. In such crisis situation Latvia should learn from Finland. Finland has been very efficient in reorienting their local companies, which export to Russia, to new markets. And that is because Finland has its own Minister of Export Development. Finland’s southern neighbors Estonia has already taken a lesson from Finland and in this spring appointed Minister of Export Development. Latvia should learn from their northern neighbors and after the next election which is this fall should appoint their own Minister of Exports. The winter of 2014/2015 will be one of the economically hardest winters in recent time. As it is clear that sanctions will continue, Latvia has to have a plan for companies to get through the winter. Latvia has to make strategic moves to let State capital flow into private companies, so at least some don’t go bankrupt. â€Å"Latvian Plywood† is a good example. â€Å"Latvian Plywood†, a private company, got saved by a States joint-stock company â€Å"Latvian State Forests†. By buying stocks in â€Å"Latvian Plywood† State saved one of the biggest companies in Latvia.[27] â€Å"Latvian Plywood† is now working with profit of eleven million euros and it’s 2013 turnover was 187 million euros.[28] Of course, a State should not be going around and saving companies everywhere. But in these circumstances such interference by a State is necessary. A State has to encourage producers to survive through these tough times and keep its workforce. For example, the money made in the sale of a Latvian bank â€Å"Citadele† could be invested into Latvian food producers companies, which would at least guarantee safety for food industry. Entering a new market Since Latvia has already started talks with China, they should concentrate specifically on Asia’s market. Latvia is such a small market so there should not be a problem with finding a place in Asia’s market for the Latvian struggling companies. China’s market China plays an important role in international trading system. And that should not be a surprise because Five years ago China was still the world’s third largest economy behind the United States and Japan[29], but now as it has consistently been in the top countries when it comes to economic growth[30] it has passed Japan and now is the world’s second largest economy with their GDP standing at about seven hundred and fifty billion euros, which is two times larger than Japan’s GDP.[31] Since the foreign exchange reform in 1994[32], China is continuously expanding its foreign exchange market. As they opened-up to the rest of the world after having reforms[33], China has witnessed a massive development of their economy.[34] In 2001 China joined the World Trade Organization. Such action made the Chinese market more opened up. As this membership did not give much advantage in their already conquered markets, it did open up a lot of new markets to China. After joining the World Trade Organization China removed restrictions on textiles and garments â€Å"†¦ which allowed China to become the largest exporter of clothing and textiles in the world as the labor-intensive sector capitalized on its comparative advantages of abundant labor.†[35] Right now China is developing their border policy, they are working on a quota and license free trade. After China joined the World Trade Organization, it has drawn the attention of more and more foreign investors. In December of 2013 Foreign Direct Investment reached more than nine hundred billion euros. For comparison, at the time they joined the World Trade Organization it was less than forty billion euros.[36] Another great thing about Chinese market is that 1.35 billion people live there, that is one fifth of the planet’s population. From the exporters hit by sanctions view China’s population is almost ten times larger than Russia’s. Asia’s largest country is very open to international trade. â€Å"Total Chinese trade (exports plus imports) amounts to 70 per-cents of its GDP, which compares to 37 per-cents in the United Kingdom and just 20 per-cents in the United States. China’s trade-to-GDP ratio is all the more remarkable given that one of the main determinants of this number is country size – large countries typically have low shares of trade in GDP (for example, the united States compared with the united kingdom)†.[37] Of course, it not all perfect, and there are things that scare people away from China’s market. Firstly, it is the often disputed matter at summits – China’s market access. Already there are firms that decrease the amount of their investments in China, and the main purpose of that is the limited market access. As the American Chamber of CommerceChairman Greg Gilligan put it We refer to market access barriers as one of the primary reasons for lowered investment,[38] he also added that Wi th slower growth, our member companies do not reflect less need for investment, but perhaps less need for investment based on the old economic model that was more reliant on exports and infrastructure spending.[39] Secondly, it is the imperfect legal system in China. They are in need of developments on laws that administer markets. China has been working on it since joining the World Trade organization. They already are trying to eliminate protectionism, which is common in China. One of the projects Asia’s largest country is working on is to give more freedom to foreign banks, because â€Å"Although foreign banks have operated in China for two decades, their role remains extremely limited. In 2005 they accounted for only two per-cents of Chinas total banking assets,†[40] and to add to that they have a one new branch per year restriction for banks. As a distant country with a neutral stance on Europe’s and Russia’s conflict they are taking advantage of such circumstances. After all of these waves of sanctions, there are a significant amount of large and not so large economies that are in trouble and in need of a new trading partner. Not finding one would mean a bankruptcy for large companies and people losing jobs. China is more than happy to welcome so many new trading partners. One might say that this is an ideal situation for China, because a significant amount of money that was previously flowing between Russia and Europe will now circulate in their market. One of the most talked about deals as a consequence of Russia- Europe conflict is a three hundred and fifteen billion euros natural gas contract between Russia and China.[41] For Russia the deal strengthened the relationship with China and in this situation when Russia’s relationship with the United States and Europe is worsening, Putin really needed this. By maintaining neutral position China can gain a lot more than it already has. Another beneficial thing for China from Ukraine’s invasion by Russia is the now much more tense relationship between Russia and the United States. [1] Anderson, Barbara A., and Brian D. Silver. Permanent and present populations in Soviet statistics. Volume 37, Issue 3 ed. Oxford: Routledge, 1985. [2] Russian Census 2010 final results. RIA Novosti. (accessed September 14, 2014). [3] Russian Federation. Data. (accessed September 14, 2014). [4] The Observatory of Economic Complexity. OEC: Russia (RUS) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners. (accessed September 14, 2014). [5] Russia Imports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Imports. (accessed September 14, 2014). [6] Russia Imports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Imports. (accessed September 14, 2014). [7] European Comission. European Union, Trade in goods with Russia. Trade. (accessed September 15, 2014). [8] Pressman, Jeremy. Warring friends alliance restraint in international politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008. [9] Euranet Plus News Agency English. EU on hold for new Russia sanctions. Euranet Plus inside. (accessed September 19, 2014). [10] European Comission. European Union, Trade in goods with Russia. Trade. (accessed September 19, 2014). [11] European Comission. Energy production and imports. Eurostat. (accessed September 19, 2014). [12] Russia Exports 1994-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Russia Exports. (accessed September 20, 2014). [13] Comission of the European Communities. ASSESSMENT REPORT OF DIRECTIVE 2004/67/EC ON SECURITY OF GAS SUPPLY. eur-lex. (accessed September 20, 2014). [14] Bawden, Tom. Fear over Russian gas switch-off sees EU states stockpile supplies. The Independent. (accessed September 20, 2014). [15] Germany Exports 1950-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Germany Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [16] Italy Exports 1991-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Italy Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [17] Netherlands Exports 1960-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News. Netherlands Exports. (accessed September 22, 2014). [18] LETA. Finansu ministrija: Krievijas sankciju ietekme uz Latviju bus meÂâ€Å"rena. Jaunaka s zin† as, komenta ri, petijumi, foto, video tiesraides, izklaide. (accessed September 25, 2014). [19] Dairy producer Valio begins layoff talks over Russian food embargo. Yle Uutiset. (accessed September 25, 2014). [20] â€Å"Food Union† plÄ no eksporta pieaugumu lÄ «dz 80%. PrioritÄ te – Krievija. Nepadodies krÄ «zei!. (accessed September 25, 2014). [21] SIA Baltijas KonsultÄ cijas . ZivrÃ…Â «pniecÄ «bas nozares attÄ «stÄ «bas stratÄâ€Å"Ä £ija 2009.-2013.gadam . Canned Fish. (accessed September 25, 2014). [22] Russian agency wants to ban EU canned fish imports. ITAR-TASS. (accessed September 25, 2014). [23] Salacgriva. Nodarbinatibas Valsts Agentura. (accessed September 25, 2014). [24] Craig, P. P., and G. BuÃÅ' rca. EU law: text, cases, and materials. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. [25]About us Latvia China Business Council. About us Latvia China Business Council. (accessed September 25, 2014). [26] Estonian official lauds potential for business with China.