Monday, September 30, 2019

Fast Food Nation: Chapter Four Essay

â€Å"Becoming a franchisee is an odd combination of starting your own business and going to work for someone else† (Schlosser 94).In Eric Schlosser’s Non-fiction book, Fast Food Nation, Schlosser reasons that fast food has widened the gap between the rich and the poor, started an obesity epidemic and propelled American cultural imperialism abroad. While the idea of a franchiser/ franchisee relationship appears to be nothing but beneficial, it has a serious drawback, which is the release/ acceptance of certain issues out of each party’s control. This, in turn causes other companies to try to develop new ways of forming this relationship. Subway, for example uses â€Å"Development Agents† to help ease tensions. However due to this, the controversial issue of encroachment emerges. This leaves society asking at what price is success worth it? And how is success measured by these companies? The franchisee/ franchiser relationship has its benefits, but also one major downside which can cause conflicts and controversies. â€Å"At the heart of the franchise agreement is the desire by two parties to make money while avoiding risk† (Schlosser 94). In starting your own business, there is a huge financial risk. Even if you have an amazing idea it takes a lot of well managed money. Becoming a franchisee, though, while still costing a good amount of money, the risk is considerably smaller because the name, advertising and product is already out there. â€Å"One provides a brand name, a business plan, expertise, access to equipment and supplies. The other puts up the money and does the work† (Schlosser 94). Franchising makes it easier for companies to expand their market and profit from that. â€Å"The relationship has built-in tensions. The franchisor gives up some control while not wholly owning each operation; the franchisee sacrifices a great deal of independence by having to obey the companies rules† (Schlosser 94). When putting that amount of money and work into building a successful franchise it is frustrating when you can’t make any changes you want on your own. While there is a great deal of sacrifice, particularly on the side of the franchisee, bottom line, when the profits are rolling in everyone gets along just fine. Because the franchisee/franchisor relationship has built in tensions, it has led companies to explore new ways of forming this partnership. â€Å"The chain relies on â€Å"development agents† to sell new Subway franchises. The development agents are not paid salary †¦ [their] Income is largely dependent on the number of Subway’s that open in their territory† (Schlosser 100). These development agents are technically independent contractors who will try to open as many subways as possible, because the more they open the more they are paid. â€Å"They are under constant pressure to keep opening new Subway’s, regardless of how that effects the sales of subway’s that are already operating nearby† (Schlosser 100). Because they are independent contractors they don’t worry about how sales of other Subway’s are affected by their actions, in order to make money they need to keep opening franchises regardless of if they are making Subways across the street from other Subway restaurants. â€Å"As the American market for fast food grows more saturated, restaurants belonging to the same chain are frequently being put closer to one another. Franchises call this practice â€Å"encroachment† and angrily oppose it† (Schlosser 99). Although it may lead to a decrease in sales at the individual restaurants, the franchisors benefit from this practice that puts its franchisee’s out of business. While some can credit Subway for attempting to find new ways to form its relationships with its franchises, overall, its practices hurt its individual restaurants and make it one of the worst chains to be a franchisee for, long-term. Due to the harsh reality uncovered in this chapter, society is able to see how hard it is to become successful, whether it is as a franchisee or starting a company on your own. At a success seminar Dave Feamster took his employees to, a paralyzed but still upbeat and motivational Christopher Reeve’s said, â€Å"Since my accident, I’ve been realizing †¦ that success means something quite different† (Schlosser 107). Reeve’s is referencing the millions he made in his 20’s and that there may be more to success than that. â€Å"’I see people who achieve these conventional goals, he says †¦ ‘None of it matters† (Schlosser 107). This is such a powerful moment in the chapter, Schlosser is supposed to be attending a motivational seminar and yet readers walk away from it wondering, at what point success worth it is. If this man who was famous and beloved by America says he thinks he is irrelevant, what about us? In this chapter readers see that big companies measure their success in money and profits, but how should society measure it’s? The public education system might measure success in graduates or students that go on to college. But the great thing about this chapter is Christopher Reeve’s challenges the way you measure your success and leaves that up to the audience’s interpretation. â€Å"If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it† (Brainy Quotes W.C. Fields). The franchisee/franchisor relationship while mostly beneficial, has its hindrances, which is each party sacrificing some control. As companies such as subway have explored new ways of forming this relationship, even more problems have emerged from this. Readers are left wondering at what price success is worth it, and how big companies measure their success. Works Cited Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Perennial, 2002. Print. Book Rags Media Network.  © 2001 – 2011 Brainy Quote. <>

Sunday, September 29, 2019

No child left behind Essay

No Child Is Left Behind (NCLB) is a federal state act of 2001 which was proposed by the then president, George W. Bush immediately after being inaugurated in to the White House. This legal framework was aimed at ensuring that the primary and secondary education system was improved by advocating for increased accountability and transparency in its management. It further focused on the education system increased the flexibility on how parents can choose the learning institution their siblings will attend. This paper provides a broad overview of the act and it includes its history, scope, player involved challenges, among other issues. Brief discussion of the relevant history The law was authored by John Boehner and Judd Gregg, a representative and a senator respectively from the Republican Party and George miller and Edward Kennedy, a senator respectively from the Democratic Party. It was then signed by G. W. Bush. Beside aiming at improving the performance primary and secondary education and increasing accountability, improved the focus on reading and re-authored the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Act. The act was brought forward in the 107th congress whereby it was passed in the House of Representatives and US senate on 2001, May 23rd and 2004, June 14th respectively. It was later signed in to law on 2002, January 8th. Scope The act was brought to the lime light after realization the quality of the education being offered was directly affecting the students, parents and all the citizens at large. At the international level, since the world was becoming a global village as a result of globalization, the quality of education needed to improved since many of the Americans’ children had little hope in the future due to high levels of illiteracy and low self esteem (self doubt). The act was of paramount essence since the US, the world largest economy needed to produce intellectuals that would transform America and the globe at large. Context (historical, political, economic, social) At the time George W. Bush introduced this blueprint, he noted that though the American was entering the 21st century with a lot of promise and hope, many of the children who were in need of education support and aid were being ignored and thereby left around. 70% of the fourth graders residing in the inner city could not read or even pass the national reading trial which involved the elementary level of education. The senior high school student in other parts of the world, South Africa and Cyprus to be specific perform very poorly on the international mathematics test. Almost a 1/3 of the college freshmen of American origin take compulsory remedial courses prior to initiating the regular college level courses It is the responsibility of the parents, state and all the citizens to ensure that quality education is guaranteed for all the American children in order to have a bright future. This has not been the case and the United Sates Federal Government is to be blamed for condoning the poor results and failing to address the failure in the education system. The federal government has controlled the Americans, schools since through education policies since 1965 when the first major initiative on the elementary –secondary was undertaken. Since then the federal government has established so many programs/ projects geared towards facilitation of quality education. A major drawback for these programs is that the results have not been analyzed to evaluate whether the programs achieve their objectives or not. Another factor for the failure of the programs is that they are formulated by the congress and the locals are not consulted, as a result, local population education needs are not addressed. There have been programs that are formulated for every single education program and this had led to a pile of programs across the federal states. These programs costed the federal government hundred billions each year but quality of education on the other hand has been falling since the objectives are not being realized. This has resulted to a wide and an increasing gap between the rich and the poor in America. Faced with this dilemma, some citizens have proposed that the federal government should not be involved the education sector. Another proportion of the population suggests that the new programs should be added to the old education system. , the federal government was therefore required to come up with effective programs and projects which would restore confidence in to the American education system. After a braining search of the best option, the federal government came up with the No Child is Left Behind policy which would transform the American education system. During the signing of the bill, the then US president, George W. Bush said; We’ve got large challenges here in America. There’s no greater challenge than to make sure that every child — and all of us on this stage mean every child, not just a few children, every single child, regardless of where they live, how they’re raised, the income level of their family, every child receive a first-class education in America. Individuals/agencies involved including a discussion of the major decision makers The No Child is Left Behind policy would involve a number of parties in order to transform the American education system, these entities include; o The teachers o The parents o The local citizens o The federal government The teachers will be involved in ensuring the No Child is Left Behind policy work. They will be trained to improve their quality. The schools that will perform well will be rewarded while those not achieving the expected results will be sanctioned. The federal government is expected to fund the training of school teachers and improve the schools in general. The parents are required to monitor the performance of their children and at the same time access more information concerning the performance of his/her child from the school administration. Additional funds will be provided to the state and district schools by so that they can become more flexible. The local society is required to ensure that it provide a conducive learning environment so that the students can utilize their potential to the best of their capability (Hammond 2007). Major stakeholders involved (who the policy/issue affects, who has an interest in the policy) Among the major stakeholders who will be involved and will be affected by the NCLB will include the students, the teachers, parent, the local authorities and the federal government. The teachers will be required to play a crucial role in ensuring that the gap between the poor and rich is closed by ensuring that they maintain high standards and accountability, offering annual academic assessment to children which will then be evaluated by the parents. The teachers are further required to give reading a priority. The parents are expected to work closely with the teachers so that they can assist in progress of the children education. The parents’ flexibility and option for schools will also increase. The local authorities are expected to guarantee the teacher protection, promote school safety, rescue the schools from the schools that are not safe and advocate for character education. o The federal government is expected to provide funds and reward to the well performing schools and states in terms of accountability and transparency. The government will also give the teachers some initiatives like tax deduction in order to promote their performance. The role public administrators play in the policy/issue The public administers are expected to ensure that the funds provided by the federal government are utilized in the most efficient was possible while at the same time making certain that they reach the targeted entities. The public administrators are further expected to evaluate the performance of the school. They should also give feedback to the federal government on matter concerning the effectiveness of the No Child is Left Behind policy in meeting the academic needs of the American people (Samier, et, al, 2008). Policy alternatives and solutions Currently this is the best education program that has been formulated in the US. Proper implementation of the program will ensure that it becomes perfect since it will be evaluated from time to time. Corrective measure will be put in place to ensure that the expected results are achieved. Challenges facing policy implementation and solution The policy is faced with a number of challenges prior to its implementation. One of major critic is on the use of standards to gauge the performance of the states and schools. The schools or each state can lower their standards so that they cam purport to have improved in their performance. This is because each state has the capacity to set its own standards. This means that the incentives and penalties (sanctions) provided by the government would end up on the hand of wrong persons. This problem therefore calls for standardization of the examination if at all there is an expectation of correct unbiased results (Uzzell (2005). The use of standardized within states reduced the quality of education since the teachers â€Å"teach the test† to ensure that the students performs well in the schools. They, teachers, only teach the areas that are expected to be tested in the final standard exams. The standardized tests are also against Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. The tests have also been condemned of promoting cultural bias since different culture value certain skills than others. To avoid this kind of bias, the policy of standardized test should be re-evaluated in depth and a sustainable standard established (Abernathy 2007). The issue of offering incentives to the schools performing poorly enables the schools to continue performing poorly. The schools that are rewarded after performing well in the standards test is likely to push out the poorly performing students so that hey can maintain the standards. In order to ensure that the poorly performing schools improve they should be offered with technical expertise and not financial resources. The top performing schools on the other hand should be closely monitored to ensure that the poor students are not expelled on academic grounds. The No Child is Left Behind policy focuses manly on the core subjects, that is English and Mathematics, this has made the student to improve in these two subjects while the other broader education is lost. This therefore requires the NCLB policy to be considerate of other skills and subjects to ensure that education meets its purpose (Menken 2008). Importance of the No Child is Left Behind policy Its enables the children to understand the policies that have been implemented in the efforts to improve the quality of education in order to face the global challenges in bold. Precisely, the understanding of this policy enables a person to understand the existing education policy’s roots, challenges and its core values. This policy is also an indication of the federal government interest in leading the global by providing its citizens with quality education which will ensure that the illiteracy level decreases significantly. The policy also explains in details the expected level of participation by all the parties involved in ensuring that it is a success. The policy also explains the importance of the accountability and transparency for any program or policy to succeed (Peterson, et, al, 2003). Overview of the important values Irrespective of the stake holders involved in implementing this policy, is of great significance to evaluate the important values of the No Child is Left Behind policy. This policy is expected to; o Result to grades for tests o General improvement of all the standards o Increased accountability of all resources in the schools o Creating opportunity for the minority groups o General improvement of the quality of education o Offering the parent the option to select school for children o Guarantying of the federal funding Conclusion Though the change is well formulated, it needs to be cleansed off some of the issues that are raising eyebrows. It needs to be refined to address all the children depending on their needs. The policy provides clearly detailed guidelines which will ensure that the quality of the education system in America greatly improves to solve the ever increasing global challenges. While comparing the old and the new education programs, this new NCLB is likely to have better results since it focus on all the children with emphasis on the children from the minority groups. The local population, citizens and the federal government should ensure that the proper implementation and evaluation is carried out to make certain that the best results are achieved. As time passes by, a research should be carried out to find out area or clauses that need to be changed for upgrading of the programs. References Abernathy Scott Franklin (2007) No Child Left Behind and the Public Schools, Michigan, University of Michigan Press, (pp 130-149). Hammond Linda D. (2007) Evaluating ‘No Child Left Behind’ retrieved on 18th, November, 2008, available at http://www. Menken Kate (2008) English Learners Left Behind: Standardized Testing as Language Policy, NY, Multilingual Matters Press (pp 118-140) Samier Eugenie Angele, Stanley Adam (2008) Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership, NY, Routledge, (pp 139-154) Peterson Paul E. , West Martin R. (2003) No Child Left Behind? The Politics and Practice of School Accountability, Brookings, Brookings Institution Press, (pp13-14) Smith Marilyn Cochran (2004) Walking the Road: Race, Diversity, and Social Justice in Teacher Teachers College Press (p 157) The white house, Foreword by President George W. Bush, retrieved on 18th, November, 2008, available at http://www. whitehouse. gov/news/reports/no-child-left-behind. html The White House, President Signs Landmark No Child Left Behind Education Bill, retrieved on 18th, November, 2008, available at http://www. whitehouse. gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020108-1. html Uzzell Lawrence A. (2005) No Child Left Behind: The Dangers of Centralized Education Policy, retrieved on 18th, November, 2008, available at http://www. cato. org/pub_display. php? pub_id=3769

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare and contrast societies of medieval China, Arabic Caliphate, Essay

Compare and contrast societies of medieval China, Arabic Caliphate, and Christendom (Western Europe) - Essay Example The discussion of class structure shall encompass status symbols and interactions between members of different social classes. Utilizing such literature as â€Å"Po Hsing-chien,† â€Å"Su Shih,† â€Å"Ssu-ma Kwang,† â€Å"Marco Polo,† â€Å"The Hunchback† and â€Å"The Man who Never Laughed Again† from 1001 Nights, the Qu’ran, â€Å"Al-Farabi,† the Black Death reading, Matthew, Acts, Romans, The Life of Charlemagne, Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, and the Magna Carta, conclusions can be drawn that will aid in the comparison of these three societies.. First to be compared among the previously stated societies is religion. One determining factor of any religion is the belief in the metaphysical or supernatural, such as a God or Gods. In medieval China, common was the belief in a multitude of spirits with different powers. For example, Miss Li and her lover in Po Hsing-Chieng visited the spirit of the Bamboo Grove in order to receive assistance in conceiving a child. (Po Hsing-Chieng, 303). Arabic Caliphate embraces a belief in one God, known as Allah. (Qu’ran). According to the Biblical book of Acts, Christendom encompassed a belief in a holy trinity, which included the Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son. (Acts, 2). Both Arabic Caliphate and Christendom were considered monotheistic religions, meaning they believed in one God, while medieval China seemed to embrace a belief in many spirits. It is also practical to examine each society’s members’ relationships to their God(s). Evidence from literature provides that people in medieval China thought they were consistently being watched and judged by the gods in terms of honor and morale. In â€Å"Po Hsing-Chien,† Miss Li tells her mother that they need to help the young man because the spirits would not be on their side for the bad things they had already done to him. (Po Hsing-Chien, 305). In Arabic Caliphate trust was placed in the will of

Friday, September 27, 2019

The History of Suture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The History of Suture - Essay Example After World War II (1939-1945), the greatest developments in wound suturing began with the introduction of advanced, partly automatic stapler machinery, as well as the manufacture of synthetic non-resorbable and resorbable fibres. These revolutionary techniques fuelled the development of new fields such as microsurgery (Kuijjer, 1998). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the history of suture including advances in suturing techniques and the evolution of suturing materials. The History of Suture The history of surgery is inextricably linked with the history of suturing, or stitching together two surfaces or edges. Allusion to sutures and the suturing of wounds in an ancient Egyptian scroll (circa 3,500 BC) is considered as the oldest existing surgical treatise. The term suture means to sew, which Hippocrates used in 400 BC. About 1000 years before Christ, the Indian medical book Charaka’s Samhita described many techniques of suturing including the clo sing of wounds by ant pincers in bowel surgery. Once the large black ants with powerful jaws clamped the edges of the wound together with their pincers, their bodies were twisted off (Snyder, 1976). In 600 BC the ancient Indian surgeon Sushruta’s medical treatise is a compilation of plastic surgery and opthalmology which mentions sutures made from animal sinews, braided horsehair, leather strips, cotton and fibers made from the bark of the ashniantaka tree. From 100 BC Egyptian mummies have shown evidence of sutured wounds. Further, in 100 BC, a learned Roman, Cornelius Celsus used the word suture both as a noun and as a verb: to suture; â€Å"he also named the skull sutures coronal, sagittal, and lambdoidal† (Snyder, 1976, p.401). By 30 AD, the Roman Celsus again described the use of sutures and clips, and in 150 AD, Galen used silk and catgut, and explained their use as sutures (Galli, 2011). Soon sutures were used to tie off tissues, through a process called ligatur e. In 165 AD, Galen who was physician to the Roman gladiators recommended their use for their wounds, to prevent paralysis. In 1555, Ambroise Pare, the French military surgeon changed his treatment of bleeding vessels caused by amputation, from hot irons and boiling oils to ligation. He also introduced the use of stitched linen adhesives to close saber wounds and to prevent scar formation. Also among the early advocates of suturing all fresh wounds as well as severed tendons and tissue was Andreas Vesalius, the greatest anatomist of the Renaissance (Snyder, 1976). The history of sutures which began more than 2000 years ago correlates with the first records of eyed needles. Before the end of the first millennium, Avicenna used monofilament with pig bristles in infected wounds. Surgical and suture techniques advanced significantly in the late 1800s, with the development of sterilization procedures. Subsequently, modern methods created uniformly sized sutures (Galli, 2011). The Evoluti on of Suturing Materials According to Mackenzie (1973), the term sutures includes those which hold a wound together until it has healed, as well as ligatures used to tie off a blood vessel such as an artery. Between 50,000 and 30,000 BC, eyed needles were invented and used for suturing. From

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, Essay

Reflection of learning experiences in elmentary ,middle ,high school, and college attended - Essay Example At first, it was unbearable for me but with time, I adjusted to the strange and dynamic environment. The most memorable moments in elementary school involve the use of cubes. The teacher distributed cubes to all the students to perform simple routines. To me this was an amazing phenomenon although by then it was it was very complex. This was meant to develop the cognitive aspect. However, accomplishing the task was more important at that very moment rather than understanding psychological development and the learning concepts. In addition to that, we had the opportunity to go to the playground. We played different games and sung happily, as we waited for the delicious food that I have not forgotten the smell even today. I am very sure that it was during these times that the aspect of individuality was implanted into me because I would interact freely with others and learned to say no or yes. My social aspect of life was also developed at this point in time. The world of science became so real to me. I enjoyed and envied the much that my science teacher new. They would just teach chemistry and physics without necessarily referring to their books. I thought I was not smart and that my teachers were geniuses, but I letter on came to learn that experience was their main weapon. The next level was so adventurous that I realized I was lying to myself when I thought I would make the best doctor in the world. It was at this point that learning took another dimension and I realized my potentials not as a doctor but as a Lawyer. I was greatly inspired by the way, the teachers were narrating events that happened many years ago with exact dates, gave me the desire to make the best barrister in the world. During the debates, I would make sure I argue my point as a lawyer. The outside learning events were so fascinating that I wished at one point that such period should be

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Seven Years' War Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Seven Years' War Paper - Essay Example British colonies stretched along eastern coast of North America from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia in the north to Georgia in the south. Most of the older colonies extended their claims far westward. As the continents geography was unknown colonial authorities granted provincial charters arbitrarily. As their main centers were situated closely to the coast the y had increasingly growing populations so British settlements and fur traders were expanding inland across Appalachian Mountains. Nova Scotia which had been conquered by the British during Queen Anne’s War retained numerous French-speaking population, principally based on the shores of Northumberland Strait and the Bay of Fundy. Moreover the British claimed Rupert’s Land and established Hudson’s Bay Company to trade with Indians. In spite of the British and French claims the vast areas were under control of indigenous tribes. To the north of Abenaki and Mi'kmaq still dominated parts of Acadia, eastern provin ces of present day Canada and Maine as well as Nova Scotia (Jennings, 1988). Iroquois League held sway over Ohio country as well as over the most part of present day Upstate New York; however the former included populations of Mingo, Delaware and Shawnee. These tribes were formally the tributaries of Iroquois League so were restricted by the latter in authorities to conclude agreements. As soon as the war broke out the French also began to use their business connections to recruit from the native tribes in the western part of Great Lakes region (an area that was not a matter of controversy between the belligerents). Cherokee and Iroquois League rendered support to the British until disagreements ignited the Anglo-Cherokee war in 1758. In that very year the government of Pennsylvania worked out Treaty of Easton. According to that agreement Ohioan tribes swore neutrality in return for concession of the lands. The rest of the northern tribes for the most part took the side of the Frenc h, their main supplier of arms and ammunition and trading partner. Both British and French diplomacies did their best to secure support of Cherokee and Creek tribes’ neutrality. It was common for both small gangs and individuals to take part in hostilities on the different side of the conflict. By the time when the war broke out there had not been any French regular army units in North America though were few British ones. As a rule French possessions in North America were defended by 3.000 troupes de la marine made up of colonial regulars. Some of them had experience in woodland warfare. Also militia bands used to be called for when needed. British colonies enrolled militia units to fight the natives when needed yet did not have any regular forces there. Seven Years changed social, economic and political relations between the main European powers (Spain, Britain and France), their possessions and colonists and indigenes which inhabited the disputed territories. Britain assum ed control over Acadia, French Canada and other possessions inhabited by some 80, 000 predominantly French-speaking Catholics. The deportation of the French-speaking Acadians began in 1775 and made this land available for new migrants from Europe as well as from the southern colonies. Lots of Acadians were resettled throughout British North American provinces, though many moved to France or to Louisiana which they had hoped to stay French. Some of them were exiled to colonize such diverse places as Falkland

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Realities of Acid Rain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Realities of Acid Rain - Research Paper Example The more acidic the compound the more likely that deposits will result in damage to property and conditions dangerous for organic life forms. Natural rainfall has a pH of 7, but the further pH levels drop below that number the more potentially harmful it will be for the environment (Eubanks, p.240). The pH level present is directly associated with the presence of sulfate oxides (SOx), nitrate oxides (NOx), and the manner in which they dictate the release of hydrogen ions. Though neither oxide type contains hydrogen, they can act as an acid anhydride, wherein an acid is generated by chemical reaction subsequent to dissolution in water. The measure of the difference between the cumulative increases these oxides create in hydrogen ion concentration and hydroxide ionic content determines the pH level and thus the degree of acidity (Casiday & Frey, n.p.). Incidents of acid rain have been proven to have a direct relationship with the burning of fossil fuels, more specifically the burning o f coal as an energy source. A complicated substance, coal can have a dynamic configuration of elements and is largely used as fuel for the production of electricity in power plants. It is signified by an approximate chemical value of C135H96O9NS, though the actual concentration of each element varies according to the organic content present during the formation process (Eubanks, p.167). The variance in any given coal type determines the energy output of a coal type produced during combustion. While these attributes are affected by a myriad of conditions and components, there are certain characteristics which remain common to all coal types. For one thing, coal is a superior fuel type of wood due the incredibly high carbon concentration paired with low levels of oxygen and water. However, when used as fuel source, the rapid oxidation which occurs during combustion releases several pollutants into the atmosphere including nitrogen and sulfur oxides (, n.p.). The atmosphe re is composed of numerous compounds and elements in gaseous and particulate forms and when nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released as fossil fuel emissions they become integrated into the mixture and the natural processes and cycles therein. IN the water cycle water vapor present in the atmosphere interacts with other gases, particles, and form precipitations which is then deposited on the surface of the Earth and into the oceans. When excess sulfur oxides are introduced into the atmosphere, the sulfur oxides SO2 and SO3, which are measured in grams reacts with water vapor, measured in liters: SO2 + H2O ? H2SO3 SO3 + H2O ? H2SO4 This reaction ultimately results in the formation of sulfurous and sulfuric acids, respectively(Cassiday & Frey, n.p.). Nitrogen oxides require the presence of oxygen to create a chemical reaction as well as water vapor, the second most plentiful gaseous component of the atmosphere, the vapor and oxides having the same scale of measurement as during the pre vious formulas: 4 NO2 + 2 H2O + O2 ? 4 HNO3 This chemical reaction produces nitric acid. Though nitric, sulfurous, and sulfuric acids to do contain hydrogen, when introduced to water molecules (and oxygen as regards nitrogen oxides) they behave as acid anhydrates, stimulating the release of hydrogen and hydroxide ions which dictate the levels of acidity in any given liquid substance. Once these reactions have taken place, the new acidic compounds are distributed through acidic precipitation as rain, hail, or snow, and may also combine and be deposited on surfaces in particulate form. According to the level of acidity present in such deposits there is a decidedly negative effect on objects and organic life

Monday, September 23, 2019

Failed Products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Failed Products - Essay Example This product was abandoned just a few weeks after its launch and the initial version was resurrected with a new name; Classic Coke† (Robert, 1995). The second product that flopped is Crystal Pepsi which was launched in 1990s as clear cola. This brand lacked lemon/lime flavor unlike the rest of other clear carbonated drinks. It also lacked usual cola flavor. In spite of a costly media blitz, Crystal Pepsi failed to catch on and Pepsi incurred millions of dollars guessing at straws and never recovered fully. This was a big blunder that their competitors learnt from; never change a color that is acceptable to your consumers. Lastly Ben-Gay Aspirin is another example of product failure. Thus having a famous name behind a product that is new does not guarantee success-at times it can be an obstacle if the brand is closely tied to one image or product. Ben-Gay is famous for its exceptional strong smell-and its pain-reducing balm’s burning/warming sensation on its getting in touch with skin.However this wasn’t an excellent fit for Ben-Gay aspirin launch by Pfizer decades ago. Whereas the products were related in that both were designed for pain relief, consumers could not get a taste for swallowing a tablet with a brand they related to burning sensation. Ben-Gay erred in attaching a popular name to something entirely out of character. They should have used a different brand name (Michael,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Steve Smith and postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Steve Smith and postmodernism - Essay Example The paper "Steve Smith and Postmodernism" investigates how does Steve Smith defend postmodernism. The first defense of Smith from Østerud is his criticism against Østerud terminology as too abstract that cannot even pinpoint in detail his positions but rather content himself with quotations from international relations literature. In sum, Smith is criticizing Østerud for lack of vagueness and lack of originality. The terminology which Østerud uses that are often borrowed from epistemological argument and perspective, are also lambasted by Smith to be foggy and fancy â€Å"talking about imprecise shortcuts†. Østerud penchant for usage of new terminologies as required in studying international relations is also debunked by Smith to be hardly unique to international relations. Even the deconstruction method and approach of Østerud criticism against postmodernism which is deconstruction is also lambasted by Smith to be faulty because it leads an infinite regressi on that undermines the research. He also negated the claim of Østerud that postmodernism is anti-unscientific is very simplistic and reject the notion put forth by Ostrud that â€Å"postmoderns are not rigorous†. The biggest defense of Smith for postmodernism from the criticism of Østerud is his reiteration of the purpose of postmodernism to be closer to Enlightenment because it focuses on how to use knowledge to improve human condition which is the same as the aim of the enlightenment which is his direct refutation against Østerud’s criticism.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay Example for Free

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay 1.) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – responsibilities include farming, agricultural products, food stamps, and anti-poverty programs, and conservation and natural resource protection. The inspectors of this department are responsible for the safety of the nation’s food supply. 2.) U.S. Department of Commerce- responsible for everything we buy and sell, they regulate everything from foreign trade to fishing to the granting of patents, they oversee programs that support minority businesses, and provides statistics and analyses for business and government planners. 3.) U.S Department of Defense (DOD)- responsible for supplying military hardware, administering personnel pay and benefits, providing info to the public and military, managing military education programs and attempting to locate missing personnel or prisoners of war. 4.) U.S. Department of Education- their first responsibility is making sure that the nation’s public school systems provide students with proper school supplies, educational facilities and qualified teachers. Personnel promote parental involvement in their children’s education, develop financial aid policies and encourage the use of modern technology in the classroom. 5.) U.S. Department of Energy- works to ensure that the nation has a steady, consistent and safe supply of energy. Energy scientists work to harness the sun’s power while its physicists attempt to capture nuclear energy for civilian or military use. 6.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the governments primary agency for overseeing the health and well-being of the American people. HHS employees work on more than 300 programs and perform essential services ranging from food safety to medical research to drug abuse prevention. HHS has regional offices across the country. 7.) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) first priority is to protect the nation against further terrorist attacks. Component agencies will analyze threats and intelligence, guard the nations borders and airports, protect critical national infrastructure, and coordinate the nations response for future emergencies. 8.) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) responsible for ensuring that American families have access to decent, safe and affordable housing. Among HUDs biggest programs are insuring mortgages for homes and loans for home improvement, making direct loans for construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly and the handicapped, providing federal housing subsidies for low- and moderate-income families, and enforcing fair housing and equal housing access laws. 9.) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) manages the nations natural resources, from land and water to coal and natural gas. By monitoring the extraction of natural resources, Interior Department personnel work to efficiently protect and preserve the environment. The Department also houses the office responsible for overseeing Native American affairs. 10.) U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) makes sure that federal laws aimed at protecting the public and promoting competitive business practices are implemented, including immigration and naturalization statutes, consumer safeguards and criminal prosecutions. The FBI falls under the Justice Departments authority. 11.) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces laws and regulations that ensure safe working conditions, minimum hourly pay and overtime. Through its varied initiatives, it also works to meet the special employment-related needs of the disabled, the elderly and minorities, and provides job banks, unemployment benefits and workplace health regulations. 12.) U.S. Department of State- responsible for the conduct of the nations foreign affairs and diplomatic initiatives. State Department personnel coordinate conferences with foreign leaders, hammer out treaties and other agreements with foreign governments and protect the safety of US citizens traveling abroad. 13.) U.S. Department of the Treasury- Printing the nations money is only one of many responsibilities overseen by the nations second oldest cabinet department (only the State Department has been around longer). It also sets domestic financial, economic and tax policy, manages the public debt and collects taxes. Less obvious is Treasurys other major role—law enforcement; the Secret Service and the Customs Service are Treasury agencies. 14.) U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, and airplanes all fall under the Department of Transportations authority. So does the nations transportation infrastructure. The work of Transportation Department employees makes it possible for Americans to travel home for the holidays, away on vacation, and even to and from work. The Transportation Department is also home to the new Transportation Security Administration, which is responsible for protecting the countrys transportation systems and ensuring the safety of its passengers. 15.) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Best known for its healthcare system, the VA also provides social support services, administers pensions and other veterans benefits, and promotes the hiring of veterans.

Friday, September 20, 2019

English Literature Essays Novel Conflict Alex

English Literature Essays Novel Conflict Alex Novel Conflict Alex Book Review: Smaller and Smaller Circle I. Critical Analysis of Plot Structure The novel starts with Father Emil running. The mood set is that of agitation and disturbance. As the novel progresses, one will eventually also see the pattern: that each of the characters are figuratively running from a traumatic past, an experience or a memory. Interspersed in the story are a few paragraphs which describe and imply a particular characters conflict with the self. Their conflict involves either denying or covering up the characters whereabouts or past experiences. The whole novel itself, being of the murder-mystery type, involves chasing, concealing information, uncovering secrets and solving ambiguities. Alex, the murderer, kills children and eviscerates their bodies as a way to cope and fight against a traumatic experience in the past. He strives to run away and break free from this bitter past by destroying and getting rid of the children who remind him of his unpleasant experiences, and whom he perceives as witnesses to his shame and suffering. The dehumanizing removal of their faces, hearts, and genitals not only echoes his desire to be rid of the parts of himself he perceived to be the cause of his suffering, but also seems to speak of how dehumanized he felt after his childhood ordeal. Attorney Arcinas, in the same vein, tries so hard to have a life which is completely different and far better than the life his parents had given him. At present, his behaviors are manifestations of his denial of his past and his attempt to disassociate himself from the status he used to have in society. Joana, the journalist, in spite of working for the truth has a secret of her own to conceal. She has an affair with a married man; this readily lends itself to humor when we consider how her penchant for going under cover turns up in, of all places, the bedroom! On the other hand, the keys to clearing the cloud that seems to envelope the true relationship of the two protagonists, Father Jerome and Father Saenz are left quite obviously for the readers to discover by themselves, albeit upon either the second or third re-reading; these will be discussed more thoroughly later. In connection with the characters attempt to deny and run away, the author also uses the image of the rain to symbolize the attempts or the efforts of the characters to wash themselves, and to bring new life water to what seemed to have been enveloped by hopelessness and despair trauma and unfavorable circumstances in the case of both Joanas affair and the plight of the families of the victims. The point of view in the story shifts throughout the plotfrom the omniscient third person to a first person, which is that of the killers point of view, and then back again. In connection with this, the murderers monologues aim to level him with the omniscient narrators view, creating an aura of power, and even fear for the sake of the other characters in the story. You can get expert help with your essays right now. Find out more The author uses dreams and recollections/flashbacks visvis direct narration by the omniscient narrator. The novel ends with an impending conflict that the reader deems will have a great impact on the two lead characters. Again, as the case of the murders is solved, so there must also be a need to uncover and shed light on a matter (the very probable more-than-friendship relations between Fr. Jerome and Fr. Saenz) that is insinuated through out the story. The plot in the story develops through the complex interaction of the characters with one another. The main conflict in the story, the serial killings, stems from a distorted relationship between mentor (PE teacher) and student (Alex); similarly, the protagonists (Fr. Jerome and Fr. Saenz) who are tasked upon to solve the cases also exhibit an extraordinary bond between them. The relationship among the characters leads them to commit actions that drive the development of the plot. Alexs parents play the key role of revealing his traumatic past, which is what drives him to commit the murders. The differential power relations between some of the characters also drive the plot; this is seen in the case of the (NBI) Directors exertion of power over Arcinas, which puts the quest of the two protagonists to solve the murders back in track. Additionally, this time around they can be in control of things. II. Critical Analysis of Characters Father Saenz provides the epitome of a good mentor one who is a good example to his student his remaining calm during traffic jams in particular and situations which require patience and understanding in general comes to mind especially by taking good care of and respecting his parishioners, even to the point of avoiding contact with them outside of mass in order to maintain their professional relationship.. He also tries hard to abstain from sexual fantasies or acts, such as the time when he didnt take advantage of the lady-dentists flirting. His character is completely in contrast to that of Alexs PE teacher, who lets his perversion lead him to take sexual advantage of his students. Father Jerome, unlike Alex, possesses high regard for his mentor, Father Saenz. He respects him not only because he is his teacher, but also because the two of them have become very good friends. If Alex loathes his teacher, even to the point of killing him, Fr. Jerome cares very much for the life of Fr. Saenz; this is very evident during the confrontation scene between Alex and Fr. Saenz, wherein Fr. Jerome exhibits concern so extreme it surprises Atty. Arcinas. Attorney Arcinas represents the dysfunctional system of government agencies in the Philippines. Driven by his selfish motivations and greed, he grabs every opportunity he can to benefit himself, be it to his finances or his reputation. He doesnt care if he is really able to function as a defender of the law and of the people, rich or poor as they may be. Fortunately, his powers are clipped by an authority figure, the Director, who knows what Arcinas is really up to and sets him straight. Joana, for her part, represents as an individual what the media is as an institution: persistent in its quest for truth, but just as full of anomalies, controversies, and lies within its walls. In the case of Joana, her passion for journalism and determination to uncover the truth exist visvis her being involved in a secret and forbidden love affair. Moreover, even if the reader gets impressed with her strong desire to uncover the truth behind the murders, s/he may be appalled by her intrusion on the relationship of the two priests. Alex, although characterized as a murderer, may also be seen as a victim himself. As an adolescent, he is molested by a person who shouldve been like his second parent. He is a brilliant student, responsible and respected in school, but because of what happens between him and his PE teacher, his view of himself and of the world changes from bright to dim. His parents, on the other hand, arent able to do anything for him with regard to what he is experiencing in school. He becomes embittered by his trauma and eventually turns angry, displacing this feeling on innocent children. He then becomes a victim of his own self, particularly his despair and wrath. III. Critical Analysis of Themes Taking into consideration the context of the setting of the novel, an emerging theme is that serial killers are not a stranger to the Philippine society and it is not something that should be taken lightly. This revelation of an issue creates a concern within and around us. It makes us realize the reality of the statement and it triggers certain emotions which may result in our being more vigilant. Another emerging theme is that of pain: Pain transcends time and space, and it can be shared with others. This concept was blatantly expressed within the story through the life of the killer. During childhood, he experienced pain, suffering and humiliation that he wasnt able to escape and resolve. This pain showed itself through his emotions of anger and thoughts of violence. He constantly feels the pain and is consistently reminded of the horrors he experienced before. He shares this pain to others through his behavior: hurting, killing, and doing to others what has been done to him. Yet another theme deals with the truth. Even if the truth is, most of the time, absolute, it may also be manipulated by people. For example, this is evident in Arcinas attempt to present to the media a bogus suspect in place of the true murderer who still remains at large. This move of Arcinas serves as one of the conflicts in the novel. Manipulation of truth may also take the form of using it either to benefit or destroy other people. The two lead characters used the truth to bring justice to the bereaved families of the victims. On the other hand, Joana plans to reveal the truth, or at least the perceived truth, for the benefit of her career. Still another theme in the story points to the significance of context with regard to the behavior of people. The environment impinges upon the individual so that one cannot fully claim that a person is inherently good or bad. In the case of Alex, his traumatic experience during his adolescence greatly contributes to his abnormal behavior. Although this does not justify the killings he commits, it goes to show that a person must not be judged using his personality as basis. One must also take into consideration the experiences and events that molded him/ her to what he/ she has become. Find out how our expert essay writers can help you with your work The novel also illustrates the vulnerability of humans. It acknowledges the fact that people, no matter what vocation or career they pursue, are still capable of making mistakes, intentionally or unintentionally. Arcinas, although a lawyer, does not really work for justice; Joana also has ulterior motives in getting and knowing the truth; Fr. Jerome also gets angry just like any other person. The title itself, Smaller and Smaller Circles, alludes to the fact discussed above and reiterated here for claritys sake that truth, although it may be subjected to manipulation, will eventually be revealed. No matter how complex the information have become because of attempts to twist the truth, with careful analysis and persistence one will arrive at the core of the truth. IV. Critical Analysis of Language and Style The author uses simple descriptions to illustrate the setting and set the mood in each of the scenes in the story. The novel stimulates the formation of a vivid imagery on the part of the reader, since the author attempts to tap not only a single sensory modality when describing a particular scene or event. In spite of richness in descriptions, comprehension of the text comes relatively at ease. The words, in spite of their simplicity in structure not highfaluting at all elicit the desired effect since they are put into context and combined with supporting data by the author (e.g. unwholesome air, maggots in it [body]). Comparison and contrast are also utilized by Batacan as tools to develop the themes in the novel. As mentioned in the analysis of the characters, the implied contrast between Fr. Saenz and Alexs teacher serves as a justification for Alexs excessive wrath. The positive characteristics of Fr. Saenz as a mentor becomes more salient as he is put side by side with Alexs teacher, and this in turn justifies Jeromes high regard and respect for his mentor- friend. Internal contrast is also evident in the character of Joana who strives for the revelation of truth while she herself conceals a dark secret. It is also interesting to note that the element of intrigue is instilled in the story through the manipulation of the characters, particularly Fr. Saenz and Fr. Jerome. The fact that these two characters are priests makes it ironic that they are involved in solving the murder cases a very physical aspect of life when they are commonly associated with the spiritual needs of the people. Beside this, the extraordinary bond or even possibly romantic relationship hinted at through the powerful and meaningful lines used by the author to convey her message, although stated in terms which leave enough room for the reader to imagine and give his/her own interpretation of the text which exists between the two becomes a juicier topic because they are men of cloth. Indeed, the two men have an extraordinary rapport that goes far beyond any mentor student relationship; textual details abound. Here are a few: The two men have an extraordinary rapport that goes far beyond any mentor student relationship. Although the two men have been more different in character and temperament, they now find themselves on either end of a baffling mutual affinity (p 22.). Again the inexplicable rapport between the two men as Saenz glances up at him (p. 125). It isnt Gus job to get killed The younger priests voice seems terribly loud to his own ears, and Arcinas blinks once or twice as though startled.. Impatiently and with violence that he never would have thought he possessed, Jerome pushes the lawyer aside and starts running. (p. 150). Another, less controversial device utilized by Batacan to help create an affinity in the reader for the characters is the narration of simple, everyday tasks. This not only firmly sets the tale in the modern world, but also allows the reader to connect with the characters on a mundane basis; certainly we cant all relate to a detective priests passion for forensics, but when that passion is interrupted by a craving for fast food we all find ourselves knowing what its like to be in his shoes. That said, it is reasonable to conclude that Batacan manages to introduce a genre almost entirely alien to our culture without turning off her readers. Her simple yet engrossing prose entices us, making us crave for more; however, a search for Philippine literature made in the same vein ultimately proves futile, leaving us to drift in smaller and smaller circles towards repeated readings of Batacans magnum opus hence the detection of homosexual undertones.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

1. Ambition is the most shown theme in Macbeth. In the story it shows how ambition run right through Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, when they try completely change themselves to fulfil this urge for ambition. For example Lady Macbeth was very ambitious when she says, "Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the toe top full of the direst cruelty. Make thick my blood." 2. Macbeth tragic flaw was his need to have power, vaulting ambition, and being too naive. He never thought about the consequences of killing Duncan and all of his other actions. His need for power led him to kill innocent people to protect himself and his power in the play. 3. One reason is because Macbeth was caused to kill Duncan because of his ambition. He was so determined on becoming king that he was ready to do anything to get the top of the throne. The other reason is that the three witches told him that he would become the thane of Cawdoor and would then become the king. When he became the thane of Cawdoor, he thought that all the things that the witches said would come true, so he killed Duncan because he wanted it to become true. An example from the book is when he said, "I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but vaulting ambition." 4. Malcolm's characteristics are used to really show Macbeth's negative qualities. In Act IV, Malcolm and Macduff are speak about the fall of Macbeth. Malcolm admits to Macduff that he has his own sins and worries about his ability to carry the crown as well as his father did, when he says, "It is myself I mean; in whom I know All the particulars of vice so grafted That, when they shall be open'd, black Macbeth Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state Esteem him as a lamb, being... thoughts! unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty" 11. All sympathy goes out the window for Macbeth when he decides to kill Banquo and his family, because it was very unnecessary, he was now taking away innocent lives. An example from the play is when he says, "For the plan to work perfectly, you must kill both Banquo and his son, Fleance, who keeps him company. Getting rid of Fleance is as important to me as knocking off Banquo." 12. One internal is his trouble with his conscience about the murder of Duncan. He could not decide whether he should murder him in order to get the crown. One external is when Macbeth is hallucinating while awaiting Lady Macbeth's signal the tolling of a bell to proceed with the plan to murder Duncan. Macbeth's external conflict is if he should let the tolling of her bell decide his fate for him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Modern Macbeth :: essays research papers

A Modern Macbeth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When looking back on the recent decades or even last week, it is not difficult to find a Macbeth-like figure in mainstream American culture. In this it is meant that these individuals experience a downfall in an attempt to gain power. One such figure was former President Richard Nixon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nixon was long associated with American politics before his fall from grace. He was along time senator before finally being elected president in 1968. During his first term, his United States went through the Vietnam War and a period of economic inflation. In 1972 he was easily re-elected over Democrat nominee George McGovern. Almost unnoticed during his campaign was the arrest of five men connected with Nixon’s re-election committee. They had broken into the Democrats national head quarters in the Watergate apartment complex, in Washington D.C. They attempted to steal documents and place wire taps on the telephones. By March of 1973, through a federal inquiry, it had been brought to light that the burglars had connections with high government officials and Nixon’s closest aids. Despite Nixon and his lawyers best efforts, it was shown that the president had participated in the Watergate cover-up. On August 8, 1974 Nixon announced, without admitting g uilt, that he would resign. He left the Oval Office the next day: an obvious fall from grace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So how does this former leader of the free world compare to Macbeth? Before they achieved their positions of power to govern or rule all, both Nixon and Macbeth spent many years being heavily respected amongst their peers. Nixon spent many years as a respected congressman and Macbeth as a soldier and Thane of Glamis. They used the way people viewed them to their advantage to gain a position of power. Nixon used his experience to get him elected president. Macbeth was made Thane of Cawdor and eventually king. Once they both ascended to their respected roles they did whatever it took to protect themselves from any possible threats. Nixon cheated by trying to steal opponents campaign secrets thus giving him an unfair advantage.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Aricept :: Drugs Health Alzheimers Disease Essays

Aricept What is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a disease in which the memory, judgment, and thought processes are impaired. The moods and personality of a sufferer may also be affected. The symptoms may progress slowly and come-and-go. ( This disease affects the cholinergic functions in the brain. It causes a deficiency of cholinergic neuron transmission. Thus, the memory of the Alzheimer’s patient is impaired. The drug donepezil hydrochloride enhances the cholinergic functions. As the amount of functioning neurons decreases, the drug’s effectiveness decreases. (’s/ariceptpi.html) What is Aricept? Aricept is a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It is available in tablet form and is considered to be in the drug sub-class of an acetylcholin-esterase inhibitor. Patients should start taking 5 mg of Aricept at bedtime. After four to six weeks, the dose can be increased to 10 mg/day. It is used to decrease the mild to moderate symptoms of the disease in an effort to reverse, reduce, or retard the mental and behavioral process of dementia. Aricept is not a cure for the disease, but it is a way to make it more manageable. ( How does it work? Aricept is also known as donepezil hydrochloride and E2020. It is a reversible inhibitor of the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase, and has an empirical formula of C24H29NO3HCL . (pic. from Pfizer) The donepezil hydrochloride enhances cholinergic function by increasing acetylcholine though it’s inhibiting of acetyl cholinesterase. This effect is thought to lessen as the disease advances because fewer cholinergic neurons are functioning. Thus, donepezil does not alter the course of the dementing process; it just makes the dementia more tolerable. (’s/ariceptpi.html) Is it effective? Aricept has been determined to be an effective treatment during its use. This is proved by the various clinical studies. The people at Pfizer Incorporated studied Aricept to determine if it was an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. They conducted two randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical investigations with Alzheimer’s patients. The ages of the participants ranged from 50 to 94 with a mean age of 73. The participants were 62% women and 38% men.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Father Birthday

My father birthday It’s my habit to revise my homework every morning. This was became my grandmother used to wake me up since I was in primary school. This had helped me a lot in improving my school result and I wanted to keep it up and score good result in my spm Yesterday I also woke up early but not to revise my homework because the day was my father birthday. We all son decided to open a party for my father, but we did not know how to prepare a surprise party as I had no experience in buying things in market and cook my father favourite food. So we decided to ask my neighbour Jun Hen brother for helping. He is a kind heart person as he always help me when I need his for helping. When he knew I needed his helped to prepare party, he didn’t refuse and agree to help immediately. I was very happy because he also helped me to cook the dishes. We didn’t spend much time in the market because we needed a lot of time to prepare after my father came back from work. We cooked a lot of dishes such as sweet sour fish, fried chicken, curry, dessert and of cause a delicious cake. After cooking we also decorated my home, my whole family members helped me to hang balloons and ribbons Approximately 5pm we finish preparing and waiting my father back home.. My father would reach home at 6 pm sharp. before 6 pm we all hid behind the door to give him a big surprise as he didn’t know we were celebrating for his this special day. He was terrified when he entered the house, he could not believe that we still remembered his birthday and what he liked to eat. After enjoying the meal we had a karaoke session. We sang a lot of English song and my sister took a lot of photographs with my father. After that we played some games, my parents also joined in. I felt happy as I had never seen this such a long time. We whole family members also sang the birthday song for my father and gave him a big present that was a â€Å"kiss†, my father was touched then he cried. He felt happy. This was lovely day, my father was very happy as he didn’t expect this would happen, he felt that we have grown up and hopelly we can always celebrate this kind of occasions

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Gas Absorption

It has been in operation since 1983. The absorber was a tray tower with a single tray designed for 90% SIS removal and supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W). The boiler fires high sulfur eastern bituminous coal producing SIS loadings up to 7. 5 lbs/Numb. To increase the removal in the WIFE system, MASC. and B&W added a second tray in 2002 to take advantage of dual tray technology. SIS removal has been increased from 90% to 98% without the use of organic acids. Performance tests and parametric tests have been performed on the system over the last two years. The testing also included tests forSOB, HP, HCI, and PM. This paper discusses the absorber design, operating parameters, results of the testing and system chemistry. Introduction The need for maximum SIS removal is necessary with the upcoming Clean Air Interstate Rule (CARR). To meet these demands, high efficiency scrubbers are necessary. This paper provides an evaluation based on limestone, forced oxidized systems since t his is the most common type of system being used now and in the foreseeable future. High efficiency can be gained by changes to the chemistry of the slurry or by increasing the contact of gas and slurry in the absorber.The typical change to the system chemistry is the addition of dipodic acid or a composite adiabatic acid such as DAB. Contacting can be increased by increasing the liquid to gas ratio (L/ G), which also increases the alkalinity available per pass. It is difficult to add more L/ G, physically and financially, because this usually involves adding more spray headers and absorber recirculation pumps. There is usually not enough space available to accommodate this. Increased contacting can also be achieved by the addition of a contacting device such as an absorption tray or by reducing the open rear of an existing tray.In these cases the LEG remains the same, but the absorption of SIS per unit volume of slurry increases. In order to add another tray, the space must be avai lable to do so. Adding a tray or decreasing the tray open area increases the absorber pressure drop. B&W has 6 units operating with two trays and has 19 other dual tray units in the design, construction and startup phases. The purpose of the described project was to convert a conventional, 90% SIS removal scrubber into a high efficiency (>95% SIS removal) scrubber. B&W proposed to maximize SIS amoeba by adding another tray to this limestone forced oxidized scrubber.Michigan South Central Power Agency was an ideal location for the demonstration because their wet flue gas decentralization (WIFE) system is a limestone, forced oxidized system with a single existing absorption tray and because of the good working relationship between the two companies. Their absorber design also had provisions for an additional future tray. The baseline performance measured in 1998 is as follows (Table 1): After the modifications were made to the system, field performance tests were carried out. The last of the testing occurred during November 2005.In addition to SIS being tested, some multi-pollutants were also tested to gather baseline data of the plant. Those multi- pollutant tests included solid particulate matter, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. These results are presented with the SIS data. Background Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Generating Station, Unit 1, was supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company in 1981. See Fig. 1. The boiler is a Sterling design rated for 480,000 lb/hrs steam flow and a nominal 55 MM while burning bituminous coal.The air quality control system (SACS) consists of a cold Table 1 MASC. 1998 performance Parameter Units Values SIS removal Inlet SIS loading pH Geochemistry Absorber pressure drop lb/Numb -ca/S CPM/masc. in. Wag 6. 5 5. 6 1. 06 85 3. 6 electrostatic precipitated (ESP.) and wet FIG. The FIG system is a forced oxidation design consisting of a single absorber, a reagent preparation system, and prima ry and secondary dewatering systems. Prior to adding the new, second tray, the scrubber performance had deteriorated and the plant struggled to meet compliance t high sulfur loadings, > 6. Lb/Numb and high boiler loads, 60 MM. The primary reasons for this poor performance were sulfite blinding and inadequate flow of limestone slurry to the absorber. The limestone feed slurry density was about 13% which limited the limestone flow. The pH was limited to 4. 6 to 4. 8. SIS removal averaged about 83% with a single tray. The absorber system consists of one 22'6†³ diameter absorber tray tower. The original design was a single absorption tray. In October 2003, a second absorption tray was added. The material of construction above the inlet is LOLL.The absorber inlet has a CHIC awning and side shields to prevent absorber inlet plugging. The absorber has two slurry spray levels operating above the tray. There is no spare spray level. Three absorber recirculation pumps, two operating and one standby, are provided to feed the slurry spray headers. The absorption spray zone is lined with Stabbing tile to protect it from spray impingement. Two stages of mist eliminators are supplied in the absorber tower with automatic sprays above and below the 1st stage and below the 2nd stage of mist eliminators (ME).The 2nd stage ME overspread is provided with a wash header, manually operated. A sparse grid oxidation system is provided for insist oxidation of the tank. Additionally, four air lances have been installed at the bottom of the tank to provide additional air flow and to fully oxidize the tank at the higher than designed removal efficiency and inlet SIS loading. The scrubbing reagent used is limestone, which is ground by a single, 100% vertical tower mill. Dewatering consists of primary and secondary systems. The absorber blown slurry is sent to a single, 100% thickener for primary dewatering.The underflow from the thickener is sent to a thickener underflow tank and then batched to the rotary drum vacuum filters. Two vacuum filters are provided, one operating and one spare. A gypsum byproduct is produced from the cake of the vacuum filter and is currently being landfill. In 2003, a second absorption tray was added to the absorber tower. See Fig. 2. This new tray did not have the same pressure drop as the existing tray because of limitations on the ID fan. Improvement of SIS removal on the system was seen, but the full effect was not observed. The removal increased from 83% to bout 89%.The main reason was continued sulfite blinding. It was expected that the delivered oxidation air was adequate for the increase of SIS removal, but that was not the case. Also, the limitations on Fig. 2 A second absorption tray was added in 2003. The ID fan were observed to be an absorber inlet plugging related problem. At least twice per year, the absorber inlet needed to be cleaned before upsetting boiler operations because of high differential pressure drop. In 2005, a few more modifications were made to the system for system reliability and to enable the second tray to be more effective.During the plant outage, the CHIC inlet awning was cleaned to remove some hard solids, which developed over the years, at the top gap in the awning. After cleaning, it was discovered that the awning was severely corroded and needed replaced. This new awning resolved the inlet plugging issues. Next, some rubber plugs were added to the second absorption tray to increase the pressure drop so that it equaled the first tray. Lastly, oxidation air lances were added to the bottom of the absorber reaction tank to improve oxidation and stop sulfite blinding.The combination of these improvements allowed the FIG system to reach its full performance capacity. SIS removals can now reach as high as 98%. SIS absorption theory Scrubber design and SIS absorption The design of a wet scrubber can be reduced to Just two basic requirements. The first is to contact the gas and slurr y. The second is to provide alkalinity to neutralize the acid formed when SIS is absorbed. Contacting the gas and slurry can be accomplished using only the absorber slurry sprays (L/G) such as in an open spray tower design. The key to this is getting good gas striation and good slurry spray distribution.In an open spray tower the contact surface of the spray droplets and the contact of the gas with these droplets is the primary means of removing SIS. This leaves one primary parameter, pump flow, to be adjusted to achieve the desired performance. The contact surface can also be increased by providing more droplet surface area (higher nozzle pressure drop), but also at the expense of pump power, and increasing the droplet surface area quickly reaches the point of diminishing returns. The gas and slurry contacting and SIS amoeba can be greatly improved by using some type of contacting device(s).B&Ws choice of contacting device is a perforated tray(s). The absorber tray provides intimat e contacting between the gas and slurry. The contact surface provided by the tray is much more effective for SIS removal than that of the slurry droplets in a spray tower design. Fig. 1 Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Station. 2 Gas distribution First the tray provides a resistance to distribute the gas flow uniformly over the tower cross-section. This resistance is provided at the start of the gas and slurry contact one, or the absorption zone, in the absorber.Therefore, the contact of the gas with slurry is optimized over the full height of the absorption zone. In an open spray tower, the pressure drop across each spray level will tend to distribute the gas. However, by the time the successive pressure drops have redistributed the gas, the gas has already traveled through much of the absorption zone. This is not making full use of the LEG being provided. Uneven gas distribution results in areas of high and low LEG within the absorber. In areas where the LEG is highe r than the design L/G, theSIS removal will be higher than design. However, areas of lower LEG will have less than the average removal. When designing to 98% removal, the area of lower LEG does not have to be too large to seriously limit the overall SIS removal efficiency. Contacting effectiveness The tray provides a much more efficient means of gas and slurry contact than slurry sprays. Contacting devices are well known to provide the optimum design in most gas-liquid absorption systems. In fact, most of the first utility scrubber designs were based on the use of some type of packing or trays.The use of a tray in an absorber is typically worth 25 to 30 L/G. That is, the absorber with a tray requires 25 to 30 LEG less than an open spray tower design. This is illustrated in field unit test data presented in Fig. 3. The curves indicate that 80% removal efficiency could be achieved operating without a tray at 60 LEG or with a tray at about 35 L/G. The data also indicates 95% removal at 60 LEG and using a single absorption tray. Fig. 3 SIS removal with and without tray. Table 2 Effect of Trays on SO 2 Removal Unit Whinny Pilot MASC. # Trays 70 Removal 82 93 82. 4 92. 6

Freedom of Pakistan and India

The Freedom of Pakistan and India Plan of the Investigation: In this essay, I chose to further investigate the freedom of Pakistan and India. On August 14, 1947, there was the birth of the new Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The very next day India had won its freedom from colonial rule lasting three hundred fifty years. The partition of India, following World War II, is the most tragic political event to affect India in its history. The partition divided Hindus and Muslims, who had lived together for nearly three hundred fifty years. It led to endless boundary disputes, three wars between the two neighbors, a nuclear powered arms race, and state-sponsored terrorism. Summary of Evidence: The freedom movements started when the Englishman Allan Hume helped a group of Indians start the Indian National Congress in 1885, which didn’t compete with British power. In the early 1900s, Bal Gangadhar Tilak brought a new faction within it, whose aim was independence. The Indian National Congress also had socialist impacts. In 1906, a big split occurred and the few Muslim that’s were in the Indian National Congress left, and a group called the Muslim League was formed. There are three main reasons that the Muslim nationalist movement emerged later than the Hindu movement. The first one is because the Muslims had their own religious schools and did not care about western thought as much as they should have. This was a problem because it was an important characteristic of the leaders of the revolutionaries. Secondly, the Muslims in the Indian National League were decreasing due to the increase in Hindu nationalism. Thirdly, the â€Å"big bang† was a dispute that occurred 1905-1911 in Bengal. In 1905, the British redrew the borders, giving the Muslims a majority of the districts. This upset the Hindus and in 1911, this decision was reversed. In 1906, as a result, there were two parties working for independence: the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. In 1915, Mohandas Gandhi arrived in India. Gandhi obtained a degree in law with experience in nonviolent protests. Gandhi had the qualities to find peace with the Hindus for a greater cause, which was independence. He was well qualified. In his work, he actually caused pressure, causing the British Parliament to pass the Government of India Act. The act gave Indians the chance to have a law-making group, but the British Viceroy had the power to veto and the British were still the supreme rulers of India. The Hindus and Muslims were not satisfies with this act. The elected Indian legislature was formed by popularity. The Muslims had little representation, which upset them that the Hindu had more power over them. Gandhi tried to make peace, but in the elected congress there was no room for Muslims. The Hindus in the congress made it so the Muslims had limited rights. This upset the Muslims tremendously and was the final break between Hindus and Muslims. Evaluation of Sources: There are three main reasons for the partition of India. The first is that the British used the â€Å"divide and conquer† principle to rule India and had to instead use the â€Å"divide and relinquish† demands of Muslims. Secondly, the British thought that there were more people in the Muslim League pushing for Pakistan than there really were. They also didn’t understand why the Muslims were in every village and couldn’t move to Pakistan. Analysis: In India, many nationalistic movements had started and nationalism had grown tremendously. For example, the British made advances in transportation and communication. The British did not care about the customs of the people of India, which caused a distance between the ruler and the people. Therefore, the Indian National Congress was trying to get Britain to Quit India. The Muslim League came up with the idea for the British to divide up the land and then quit. The British implanted on this idea, but were also fearful of the potential threat that the Muslims. They had previously ruled the subcontinent for over 300 years under the Mughal Empire, so the British didn’t wanted hostility amongst them. They decided to separate the Muslims in India. In order to do so, the British helped establish the M. A. O. College at Aligarh and supported the All-India Muslim Conference, which were institutions that leaders of the Muslim League and Pakistan ideology came from and were placed on a separate electorate. The Muslims and the Hindus of India had religious conflicts amongst one another. The people that were rooted from India felt that the nature of Islam called for a communal Muslim society because that is all that they know. This idea made it hard for Muslims to accept change and refused to learn English or associate with the British especially because the Hindus were in high ranked positions in the government. The Muslims felt like the British favored Hindus. The Hindus resent the Muslims because of their formal rule. They wanted to make Hindi the national language, rather than Urdu. The Hindus and Muslims merely just fought for power. The Muslim League was further convinced by the Congress that it was impossible to live in an undivided India due to religious issues. For example, the â€Å"Bande Matram† was the national anthem that was forced to be sung in the schools, which expressed anti-Muslim sentiments. Conclusion: After years of oppression, at midnight on August 14, 1947, India was deemed an independent nation. Jawaharlal Nehru ruled as the first Prime Minister of the newly emancipated country. Gandhi was opposed to India being divided. In response, he spent the day in Calcutta fasting and praying. Muslims in the northern region of India were absorbed into Pakistan, and riots ensued. Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs found themselves at war with each other, and Kashmir and the surrounding area became a callous that greatly contributed to the First Indo- Pakistani War, lasting for two years, from 1947 to 1949. India and Pakistan were both granted full self-rule, with the King- Emperor being crowned Head of State of both countries. The Governor General served a King-Emperor’s representative, and in 1948, Chakravarti Rajgopalachi ensued Mountbatten. Mohammed Ali Jinnah stepped up as Pakistan’s Governor General, and Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. Sources and Word Limit: Hasan, Mushirul (2001), India's Partition: Process, Strategy and Mobilization, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 444 pages Kamat, Vikas. â€Å"The Partition of India. † Kamat's Potpourri — The History, Mystery, and Diversity of India. N. p. , n. d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Provincial, and Central Governments. â€Å"Pakistan, or, The Partition of India, by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. † Columbia University in the City of New York. N. p. , n. d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Wolpert, Stanley. 2006. Shameful Flight: The Last Years of the British Empire in India. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 272 pages. Words: 1,283

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Early Jamestown Essay

Imagine a land that seems to go on forever. It has a beautiful, lush forest that spans for miles. It also has a fresh-water river that runs into the coast. You’re just settled here with two of your best friends. However, you realize that none of you have skills that will be beneficial to your colony. You also realize that the Indian tribe who lives nearby may be a problem. The last thing you realize is you have many environmental problems. You are in the land of Jamestown, circa 1607, and these are the three main reasons why your colony is about to come crashing down. The first reason that Jamestown was unsuccessful was the lack of the settlers’ skills. The settlers did not have enough doctors. (Doc. C) They also had no farmers, cooks, or hunters. (Doc. C) They had too many gentlemen and only four carpenters. (Doc. C) They also had no woman. (Doc. C) They had seventy-five gentlemen as well. (Doc. C) This means they wouldn’t have the skills required to do jobs needed for their colony. The second reason that Jamestown failed was Indian relations. From 1607-1608, only seven settlers died from Indian attacks. (Doc. E) In 1609 Francis West and thirty-six men forced the Powhatan Indians to trade grain. (Doc. D) This made the Indians mad. In 1609, 143 settlers died from Indians attacks. (Doc. E) The Indians attacked so much in 1609 because of Francis West’s invasion. The last reason that Jamestown did not succeed is environmental problems. The river in Jamestown was the colony’s main source of water. The river would flood with ocean water a lot because it was connected to the ocean. (Doc. A) As a result, the water was brackish. (Doc. A) There weren’t a lot of fish in the river during winter. (Doc. A) This caused drought and starvation. In 1998, scientists examined the growth rings inside of trees from Jamestown and discovered that because of the rings in the trunks being close together, Jamestown didn’t get enough rain. (Doc. B) In conclusion, the three main reasons colonists died in Jamestown are lack of settlers’ skills, Indian relations, and environmental problems. I think environmental problems were the best reason because there were more difficulties with the environment. The lost colony of Jamestown is significant because it is important to know our history and where we came from.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Techniques of research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Techniques of research - Essay Example Kim, A.-H. et al. â€Å"Graphic Organizers and Their Effects on the Reading Comprehension of Students with LD: A Synthesis of Research.† Journal of Learning Disabilities 37.2 (2004) : 105-118. 16 July 2011. This peer reviewed article examines the effects of graphic organizers on reading comprehension for those students facing the problems of learning disabilities. This article compares the standardized reading comprehension with the reading comprehension with the use of graphic organizers such as semantic organizers, cognitive mapping. The article concludes that the use of graphic organizers have improved reading comprehension overall for students with learning disabilities. This article is taken from Journal of Learning Disabilities, which is considerably recognized for its authentic and reliable work throughout the academic world. In addition, it is available at Sage Publication, again which prefers to publish reliable piece of work. This article provides the basic informati on relating to the research work. The use of graphic organizers for reading comprehension for students with learning disabilities; considerably fulfills the required need of information on the topic. DiCecco, V. M., and M. M. Gleason. â€Å"Using Graphic Organizers to Attain Relational Knowledge From Expository Text.† Journal of Learning Disabilities 35.4 (2002) : 306-320. 19 July 2011. This article focuses on the implications of the expository text. For this purpose, this research is carried out on K-12 participants in order to assess the potency of the graphic organizers as a comprehension tool. By highlighting the key concerns relating to graphic organizers, the researchers try to examine the effects of graphic organizers under treatment and control conditions. The results support the use of graphic organizers for students with learning disabilities to increase their relational knowledge from expository textbooks. When factual knowledge was analyzed via multiple choice que stions and tests, the results mention no difference found between control and treatment conditions. This article belongs to the Journal of Learning Disabilities and is collectively published by Hammill Institute on Disabilities and Sage publication. Being a peer reviewed article, it consists of primary research over the use of graphic organizers on K-12 students . This article provides primary research over the use of graphic organizers. By clearly highlighting the difference of reading comprehension and relational knowledge, this article has facilitated in the broader understanding of the concept of graphic organizers. McCoy, J. D., and L. R. Ketterlin-Geller. â€Å"Rethinking Instructional Delivery for Diverse Student Populations: Serving All Learners with Concept-Based Instruction.† Intervention in School and Clinic 40.2 (2004) : 88-95. 19 July 2011. This article takes into account the role of teachers in assisting students to learn complex content during classes. The stud ents face the problems of studying facts without reaching the larger contexts. For that purpose, research at the University of Oregon concludes that if the teacher takes responsibility for explaining and identifying the concept within the parameters of course materials, students will be considerably relieved with above mentioned problems. At the same time, using the functional taxonomy, teachers can practically assess the realistic performance of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

'French argues that 'An awareness of the impact of (national) culture Essay - 1

'French argues that 'An awareness of the impact of (national) culture on people in work organisations' is important in tod - Essay Example According to Samovar et al (2009), culture has been subjected to numerous and often-complex abstract definitions as writers labored to incorporate and explain array of cultural components and objectives. They continue to say that, what was considered earliest definition of culture by British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Taylor in 1871, explained culture as â€Å"the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society (Tylor, 2007) Blad (p. 7) explains that, it is important to note that the characteristic that define state autonomy and global market integration are found in both cases. He continues to say that, the comparison of inter-related state-building projects allows us to not only understand the role of distinct national culture but also how sub-state autonomy is enhanced through global political economic integration. According to Entezar (2008, p. 24-25) ‘culture ca n be studied in two different ways. One can either study specifics in order to determine the general patterns (inductive) or study the general patterns to identify the specifics of a culture (deductive). The second approach is adopted by Hofstede in his dimensional analysis of culture.’ She continues to explain that, ‘every culture deals with power ambiguity, individualism, and gender that are universal and exist in all cultures. Here again these dimensions are filtered through the value systems of various cultures.’ In the argument that, â€Å"awareness of the impact of national culture on people in work organizations and its importance in today’s world†, I will argue for it. Theories of National Culture Ernest Gellner’s theory of nationalism, initially articulated in a chapter of Thought and Change in 1964, rigorously questioned the putative casual power of a pre-existing culture in formation of nations and nationalism. In what is now a fam ous reversal of commonsensical understandings of the relationship between culture and nationalism, he insisted no â€Å"the nation†, a bounded national culture that creates nationalism, but the other way round. (Hall et al 2010, p. 516) Lussier & Achua (2010: pp 391) explains that whether organizational or national, culture is a product of values and norms that people use to guide and control their behavior. Culture affects the relationship between members and leaders of a nation based on shared values. They continue to explain that, on national level, a country’s values and norms determine what kinds of attitude and behaviors are acceptable or appropriate. The people of a particular culture are socialized into these values as they grow up, and norms and social guidelines prescribe the way they should behave toward one another. From the above explanation by Lussier and Achua, we can see that, in a nation, a specific conduct that people should relate to each other, ther e is a specific way that people in management position should relate to their subjects. These codes of conduct dictate how they relate and behave. For instance, the eastern countries, they have a unique dressing manner. In that, all women should be in a certain type of cloth. The same is seen in other countries with Islam religion. Another example is the African countries; the traditional Africans had a unique way of dressing their leaders with different types of clothing. The leaders could be donned with animal skin, to

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Story from the bible Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Story from the bible - Research Paper Example She is a devout and beautiful heroine who first beguiled and then beheaded the Assyrian commander Holofernes. According to significant modern scholars, Judith is a historical romance written for didactic purposes and the author gives more importance to the religious message than to the historical fact. The intrinsic literary merit of the story of Judith had a significant influence on the popularity of the work. â€Å"The Book of Judith is a story written for house-hold reading. While it may properly be classed as didactic, yet it is one of those popular tales in which the chief concern of the writer is with the telling of the story rather than with the pointing of a moral, and in which the wish to interest takes precedence even of the desire to instruct. What gained for the book its high esteem in early times, in both the Jewish and the Christian world, was its intrinsic merit as a story, rather than its religious teaching or its patriotism.† (The Book of Judith: General Infor mation) Therefore, the story of Judith interests anyone who believes in the didactic purpose of the biblical books along with its intrinsic merit as a story. One of the most determining aspects of the Book of Judith is how the story fits into the general nature of the biblical books while also keeping the interest of a popular story. The Book of Judith tells the story of the pious and ascetic widow who takes on the public role of savior by deceiving and beheading the powerful enemy general, and the beautiful Judith has fascinated historians, artists, writers etc. Significantly, the interpretations by several important scholars has presented her as femme fatale, female warrior, feminist heroine, virtue personified, lying murderer, and saintly beauty and all these interpretations reflected the characteristics of the period of the specific scholar. â€Å"Judith was

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

End of World War Two and Collapse of Soviet Communism Essay

End of World War Two and Collapse of Soviet Communism - Essay Example It is said or believed that world war two came to an end due to the surrender of the axis powers of which consisted of Germany and other countries that also fell on that bracket. The allies used all the possible means of ensuring that the war came to an end. The allies managed to outthink the Axis power because they were many and received support from other countries that were economically stable and powerful. Though the Axis power was very much power, the allies managed to out through their power due to the large masses or number of people that they could not manage to control. They also found support from other states that managed to support them by giving them the superior Weapons. There are those powerful countries that had been dormant for several years due to certain restrictions such as the doctrine that governed their states. It is therefore through the broken silence of these countries that the allies got privileged because all these countries turned against the Axis powers and gave the necessary support to the allies. The end of communism dint happen abruptly, it is something that happened slowly and gradually .it took some time and slowly but surely more people in East Europe started hating it and its oppressive nature.The very first cases of the rejection of communism begun in east-central Europe and one by one all those countries from that said region came out of the soviet union. More countries looked at the new set up that Gorbachev had put in place and they didn't like it.Gorbachev didn't want to use force anymore lest people criticized him and looked down at what he had achieved.No attempts of bringing back sanity among those countries of central and Eastern Europe happened since they were in charge of their own countries.Gorbachev had no power nor moral authority.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Marketing Research assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Research 5 - Assignment Example se logarithms to envision ROI (return on investment .Mathematical difference refers to the percentage acquired after computing the difference between your merchandise cost and the selling price. The larger the difference for instance 70%, the less profit gained because of competition from other companies. Basically, managerially important difference refers to variation in preferences used by company management concerning price and output decisions, choice and techniques of production, demand estimation, investment decision, and long run production decision (Vikram 8). These differences in management may or may not lead to adjustment in changes and invention of new ideas. Organizations that recruit managers with different qualities and capabilities based on different approache to situational factors are at high chances of profiting because of the divergent ideas. On the other hand, statistical significance is a test that determines if marketing research reports are significant or incidental. They include chi-square tests, t-tests, and z-tests which studies relationship between two categorical variables. The level of significance used is 0.10 or 0.05. A result with level of significance of 0.1(90%) indicates statistical significance. To determine if its incidental you check the sample size and determine the margin of error; P (Z=